let slip

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let slip

英 [let slip]

美 [lɛt slɪp]

let slip基本解释

放过; 错过(机会); 无意中说出; 失


  • 临近词
  • Let's get this straight.
  • Let me lock your locker.
  • Let's dig out the roots.
  • Let's fold up the quilt.
  • Let us have fun tonight.
  • let
  • Letov
  • Let's get a carry-out.
  • Let's Look for Green Grass
  • Let's go to the seaside.
  • Let me sound your lungs.
  • Let me eat some cabbage.
She let slip a chance to work abroad.(她错过了出国工作的机会。)
In brief (by his standards) media appearances, he let slip a few more details of his condition.(在简短(相对他的一贯作风而言)的媒体露面中,他略略透漏了自己病情的一些细节。)
With an inviting pool and the laid back atmosphere, this is one deal that you cannot let slip through your fingers!(一个邀请池和悠闲的气氛,这是一笔交易,你不能让你的手指滑动通过!)
The girl let slip that she had been a witness to the accident.(那女孩无意中说出她是该事故的目击者。)
Please look at the sunshiny sky and wispy cloud, you 've definitely let slip a wonderful day!(请你看看那晴朗的天空和那飘渺的白云,其实你又错过了美好的一天呀!)
He rarely dodged questions, but nor did he let slip any market-moving news.(伯南克很少躲避问题,但是他也没有透露任何震动市场的消息。)
He let slip that he had been in prison.(他不小心说出了他曾入狱的事。)
And dreams that I let slip away.(还有我曾经放任释去的梦想。)
A day, the lackey of this noble is in catharsis sparrow basket when, not careful let slip a spadger.(一天,这位贵人的仆人在洗涤雀笼的时候,不小心放走了一只麻雀。)
Don't let slip such a golden opportunity.(机会难得,幸勿失之交臂。)
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