knock at

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knock at

更新时间:2024-09-20 05:40:18
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. The gifts were to go to men and women who might otherwise " hesitate to knock at charity's door for aid ".

2. The game involved attempting to knock a " duck " off the top of a large rock by tossing another rock at it.

3. According to doctors at a nearby hospital, he was received a severe knock on the head but was out of danger.

4. But at least a puny, little white boy from South Australia got to see Smokin'Joe knock The Greatest down.

5. Mosaic Restaurant offers nothing outrageously fancy to knock your socks off, good quality cuisine at reasonable prices.

6. He's been promised that it will knock at least five years off him.

7. At this altitude it only takes a few drinks to knock you out.

8. I heard a knock at the door, and I crawled out of bed and James Mason the actor was standing there.

9. Guo said miners in Laiyuan did not knock down the walls, but mining at such a close range to the walls poses more serious threats.

10. At the very least, don't knock it until you've tried it.


1. We hesitated at the door for a moment, and were about to knock.

2. knock at

2. Netizen Angell basked in Pure Brightness in post of the hair on the net the experience that small long holiday uses consumptive certificate in Hangzhou: The businessman meets the place that can use travel certificate to stick the mark of a travel certificate on the door, the businessman gives travel ticket when you are consumed, the businessman helps you strike a rule at the back of your notebook, knock full 10 chapters throw lottery box to await win a prize in a lottery. Disappear take time looks for the businessman that has consumptive certificate sign, consumption just can be touched 40 yuan completely consume certificate with 10 yuan.

3. You need to knock at the copper ring on the door to inform the man inside.

4. knock at的近义词

4. At the same time, there may be knock-on effect of drug spicy foods are: ginger, cumin.

5. Key in inside the input casing of this webpage every day good intention affection, at every turn flexibly hind, carriage return of clavier knock Ctrl, the below changeover on the horse showed the character of vertical setting of types in casing.
在该网页的输入框内键入天天好心情,事事都如意后,键盘敲击Ctrl 回车,马上下面的转换框中就显示出了竖排的文字。


6. Every pound, knock on the door, I'll look at you

7. knock at的近义词

7. Bridge Everybody's trippin'on me Oh lord come help me please I did some bad things in my life Why can't you rescue me'cause you've got all I need I know I got to pay the price Lonely (2x) Cheepin'thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight Tears in my eyes I'm a man lookin'for the light Dark is the path I know he will rescue me The lord is my shephard I'm cool despite emergency Whom shall I fear exept the god Thank you for the blessin'and the skils on the mic Five years we know there's no diggity Free at last see the light in me What goes up must come down I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown Always look forward hardly never look back So many tears and the snakes on my jock Now I'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel so leave me alone Lonely (3x) Knock on my door whom you lookin'for A dream or reality enemies at my door Eyes I realize it's fantasize I must be high So let me live before I die Once again grab the bottle twist the cap To survive your life is yours my life is mine No emotions in this world full of lies Step my step and be versatile Love peace and crash that's what it's all about Alone by yourself than you lack there's no doubt about I'm always into something making moves to improve What would you do if you where in my shoes Boom a letter oops another suicide Meet me for a ride at the boulevard Nana's in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel and damn I'm alone
大桥 每个人都trippin '我噢上帝来帮助我,请我没有一些不好的东西在我的生活为什么你不能救我的事业你有我需要的所有我知道我必须付出代价孤独( 2 ) Cheepin '的街道后,在晚上和大惊小怪斗争泪在我的眼睛我一个人来查找'的轻黑暗的道路是我知道他会救我上帝是我的谢泼德我很冷静,尽管紧急状态谁应我担心exept神谢谢你的blessin '和技能的麦克风五年来,我们知道,没有diggity 免费上看到光明,我什么上升必须下降我会在你走向deathtown 总是期待着几乎从未回头如此多的眼泪和蛇在我的运动员现在我骑在我的大脂肪骑你的屁股已晚,以便寻找路线娜娜在家里,让您知道我看到的是如何使我觉得我独自离开寂寞( 3 )敲我的门人你来查找'的梦或现实的敌人在我的门看我意识到这是幻想,我必须高让我活在我死再次抓住瓶子瓶盖扭为了生存你的生活是你我的生活是我的没有感情在这个世界上充满谎言一步一步,我是多面手热爱和平和系统崩溃这就是所有有关独自一人比你自己缺乏毫无疑问我总是把一些决策措施,改善请问您这样做,如果你在哪儿我在鞋繁荣的信哎呀另一个自杀满足我的车在林荫大道娜娜的家中,让您知道我看到的是我的感觉和该死的我在孤军奋战

8. knock at

8. There was another knock, and the parrot was at a total loss to continue the story.

9. A half-dollar was passed over, and now a knock came at her dressing-room door.


10. With oil prices at an all-time high, the knock-on effect on fuel prices is more apparent by the day.

11. It was also at four in the afternoon that she had dared to knock, years before, at the door of Ruy da Cámara`s riding school in Lima.
多年以前,也是在下午的四点,她鼓起勇气敲响了 Ruy da Cámara 位于利马的骑术学校的门。

12. At this moment there was a knock at the door.


13. My always knows he is henpecked, every morning, he always falls on his knees to arrive with knee shift before wife dresser, knock knocks rat-tat like bellman at first, take out Jin Zhu again later, the trick that performs hair of hairpin annulus band will please, wife wants some only grouchy, he can say:'the mother that the madam is next officials, next officials are the madam's son.

14. Consumption of garlic, pepper and other spicy foods, healthy people will help to maintain long-term health, but was seriously ill, the patient medication, there are obvious side effects, drug failure will not only, but also have a knock-on effect may be related to drugs so that patients at risk.

15. I wanna get my big head knock at the huge head of the big-headed little tiger`s!

16. Knock, indeed, he did at the door, but not with one of those gentle raps.

17. knock at

17. Knock, indeed, he did at the entrance, but not with one of those gentle raps.

18. At this point, battles over trading posts and Native villages start getting pretty furious. You'll need those cannons if the player has built any static defenses, or if you want to knock down their trading posts in order to build up your own.

19. knock at的翻译

19. At this point, battles over trading posts and Native villages startgetting pretty furious. You'll need those cannons if the player hasbuilt any static defenses, or if you want to knock down theirtrading posts in order to build up your own.

20. Knock at the door, peep in.

  • 临近词
One stormy night, there was a knock at the door.A young lady stood there, wet, tired and footsore.(一个暴风雨晚上,有人敲门。一个年轻的女士站在那里,浑身淋透,疲惫不堪,脚也受伤了。)
Then came a knock at the door.(接着,传来敲门声。)
Late that evening, there was a knock at the door.(那天深夜,有人敲过门。)
Just when she was going to bed, there was a knock at the door.(正当她要上床睡觉时,有人敲门。)
He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.(他刚要入睡,就有人大声敲门。)
Just as breakfast was completed there was a knock at the door.(早饭刚吃完,有人敲门。)
As the brother and sister were about to rise from the table, there came a knock at the door.(正在兄妹俩要离开桌子时,有人敲门。)
Back at the villa, I had no sooner laid down for a nap than there was a knock at the door.(回到别墅,刚准备躺下打个盹,有人敲门。)
At seven in the evening, the gentleman heard a knock at the door, the villager opened the door.(晚上七点,这位绅士听到有人敲门,村民打开了门。)
Months later, I heard a loud knock at my door.(几个月后,我听见有人用力敲我的家门。)
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