n. 新西兰人
名词复数: kiwis
n. 新西兰人
名词复数: kiwis
1. nocturnal flightless bird of New Zealand having a long neck and stout legs
only surviving representative of the order Apterygiformes
Synonym: apteryx
2. fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
Synonym: kiwi fruitChinese gooseberry
3. climbing vine native to China
cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat
Synonym: Chinese gooseberrykiwi vineActinidia chinensisActinidia deliciosa
1. 同kiwi fruit
A kiwi is the same as a kiwi fruit .
2. 几维(新西兰鸟,不能飞)
A kiwi is a type of bird that lives in New Zealand. Kiwis cannot fly.
3. 新西兰人(可能具冒犯意味)
People who come from New Zealand are sometimes referred to as Kiwis. This use could cause offence.
1. 奇异果:桑子(MULBERRY),葡萄汁(GRAPE JUICE)及奇异果(KIWI)中之维他命C精华,有效减少引致肤色加深的黑色素产生,从而减慢肌肤的自然变黑过程. 亚洲柑桔精华(ASIATIC CITRUS EXTRACT)促进黑色素均匀的扩散,避免色素积聚而形成色斑,
2. 新西兰人:还有,最近有很多新西兰人(KIWI)都在评论北京的天气,什么天灰蒙蒙的,环境污染很厉害. 还和别的国家比来比去的. 不错,北京的污染是厉害,我们没有不承认,但是我们也在改进啊,这也不是半年一年能见到效果的. 这个你们怎么不说?
3. 猕猴桃:比如,妈妈可以叫baby而不是宝宝,小毛,小豆;水果食物等东西都可以训练的,米饭(rice)馒头(steamedbread)鸡蛋(egg)西红柿(tomato)桔子(orange)苹果(apple)樱桃(cherry)猕猴桃(kiwi).
4. 几维鸟:绘图过程中,你必须小心躲避沿着边缘转动的电子火花(Sparx)以及大量普通三色线条(即Qix,发音为Kicks).这些红蓝线条会在未占领的空间里不规则地移动.一旦你占领了75%以上的区域,即可过关.作为一种鸟类,不会飞是痛苦的,这就是新西兰几维鸟(Kiwi)的写照!
10-wicket haul leads Kiwis to Test victory.
出自:Telegraph (Brisbane)The Kiwis take all the credit for Antipodean anti-Pom feelings.
出自:TimesHe..managed to affect the nasal Kiwi twang almost to perfection.