英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:10:44



英 ['kenjə]

美 ['kenjə]


形容词: Kenyan

  • 网络解释

1. Kenya

1. 肯尼亚:另外3位提名摄影师及其入围作品分别为法新社摄影师康义千叶(Yasuyoshi Chiba)的<>(Kenya),盖帝图片社摄影师约翰.摩尔(John Moore)的<>(Assassination of Benazir Bhutto)和<>杂志摄影师安东尼.


2. 肯雅:注明种植咖啡豆的地方,而能够种植出优良品种咖啡豆的地区,大约集中于北回归线与南回归线之间,统称为Coffee Zone或者Coffee Belt. 如危地马拉(Guatemala)、也门(Yemen)、肯雅(Kenya)、牙买加(Jamaica)、埃塞尔比亚(Ethiopia)、印尼(Indonesia)及瓜哇(Java)等地.

3. Kenya的意思

3. 肯亞:Kristof) 报导了他的一桩奇遇:在东非[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenya 肯亚] (Kenya) 外海的一座岛上,一群老人告诉他,他们是中国人的后代. 好几个世纪以前,他们的祖先在非洲做贸易,用中国的瓷器与丝绸交换当地像长颈鹿等特产.

4. Kenya

4. 非洲 肯尼亚:这样的地方包括:非洲肯尼亚 (Kenya)、坦桑尼亚(Tanzania) 和扎伊尔 (Zaire) 的国家公园;北美洲的黄石国家公园 (Yellowstone) 和约塞米蒂 (Yosemite) 国家公园;中美洲的蒙特维德 (Monteverde) 国家公园;南美洲的玛努 (Manu)国家公园;

5. Kenya的翻译

5. kenya:ken; 肯尼亚

Kibara and hundreds of other farmers have been removing some of their tea bushes and planting a new kind of tea developed by the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya.(基巴拉和其他数百名农民不断移除他们的部分茶树,换成一种由肯尼亚茶叶研究基金会(TeaResearchFoundationofKenya)开发的新品种茶树。)
The people in Kenya like cross country running, road running, soccer, boxing and so on.(肯尼亚人喜欢越野跑、公路跑、足球、拳击等等。)
Before colonialism, gender was more salient in central Kenya than it was in Ghana, although age was still crucial in determining authority.(在殖民主义之前,性别在肯尼亚中部比在加纳更为突出,尽管年龄仍然是决定权力的关键因素。)
I taught math, English and physics at Chamasiri Secondary School while I was a teacher in Kenya.(我在肯尼亚做老师的时候在查马西里中学教数学、英语和物理。)
Kenya students study ten different subject areas. Some of the students spend over an hour running home.(肯尼亚学生学习10个不同的科目。一些学生花一个多小时跑回家。)
The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya.(第一段旅程是坐船到肯尼亚的奈瓦夏湖。)
In the meantime, Kenya burns.(但与此同时,肯尼亚燃烧起来了。)
Students in Kenya are returning for their third term.(肯尼亚的学生正在返回校园,开始他们的第三个学期。)
In Kenya, in the past, students were not required to attend school and the education was not free, either.(在过去,肯尼亚不要求学生上学,教育也不是免费的。)
Agricultural workers in green tea fields near Mount Kenya are gathering the tea leaves.(肯尼亚山附近的绿茶地里,农业工人们正在采摘茶叶。)
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