Henry II, like his predecessors, almost never visited Kent.(亨利二世,和以前的国王一样,几乎从未巡视过肯特(Kent)。)
Both firms are based in Kent.(这两家公司的总部都位于肯特郡。)
There was no royal forest in Kent, and he had no houses there.(在肯特既没有皇家森林,也没有皇室宅邸。)
Until recently, the University of Kent prided itself on its friendly image.(直到最近,肯特大学还以其友好的形象而自豪。)
In Kent, Mrs Barnes has been asked to run for commissioner.(巴恩斯女士受邀担任肯特郡犯罪事务专员。)
But Thomas Kent is really a woman who falls in love with Shakespeare.(但事实上,托马斯·肯特只是个爱上莎士比亚的女人。)
Pyc received her master's and doctoral degrees from Kent State.(Pyc获得了他在肯特州立大学的硕士和博士学位。)
Nicolas Kent, the artistic director of the Tricycle Theatre in London, felt the public had stopped caring about Afghanistan.(伦敦三轮车剧院的艺术总监尼古拉斯·肯特发觉公众已经不再对阿富汗关注。)
Is an extraordinary place on the Kent coast.(是肯特海岸上的一个特别的所在。)
Location: Kent, WA Employees: 9,380.(地点:肯特,华盛顿州雇员数:9380。)
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