Jane is very mature for her age.(简年龄不大,却很成熟。)
Jane left England and made Greece her home.(简离开了英国,在希腊安了家。)
Jane is determined to stake her claim as an actress.(简决心提出她作为一名女演员的应有权利。)
Jane gave me the low-down on the other guests at the party.(简告诉了我聚会上其他来宾的真实情况。)
I hadn't been to New York before and neither had Jane.(我以前没有去过纽约,简也没去过。)
A moment later Jane materialized, coming in the front door.(过了一会儿,简突然出现了,从前门进来。)
Jane had been wondering that selfsame thing.(简也一直在为同一件事纳闷。)
Jane got on with her work.(简继续做她的工作。)
Jane couldn't help the quiver in her voice.(简不禁声音颤抖。)
The role is played by seventeen-year-old Briton Jane March.(那个角色由17岁的英国人简·马奇扮演。)
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