All Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was a prophet of the LORD.(从国家的这头到那头的所有以色列人都承认撒母耳是耶和华的先知。)
Baker is coming to Israel with four major talking points.(贝克尔带着四个谈话要点出访以色列。)
The skeleton of a 40- or 50-year-old Nabatean warrior, buried 2,000 years ago in the Negev Desert, Israel, had multiple healed fractures to the skull, the left arm, and the ribs.(2000年前,一名40岁或50岁的纳巴提亚战士被埋在以色列内盖夫沙漠,他的头骨、左臂和肋骨都有多处愈合的骨折。)
Hiram, the king of the Phoenician city of Tyre, was an ally and business partner of Solomon, King of Israel.(腓尼基提尔城的国王希兰是以色列王所罗门的同盟,也是他的生意伙伴。)
The storm, one of the strongest Israel has experienced in recent years, brought winds of more than 100 kph that sent 10-meter waves crashing into Israel's coast.(这场风暴是以色列近年来遭遇的最强风暴之一,风速超过每小时100公里,海浪高达10米。)
This is because the attachment that American Jews feel to Israel is too weak, in most cases, to sway their vote.(这是因为美籍犹太人对以色列的依恋在大多数情况下太过脆弱,以至于无法左右他们的投票。)
Moses holds out a rod during the battle in order that Israel prevails over her enemies, and Joshua will do the same with a javelin.(摩西在战役中手持权杖以使以色列人击败敌人,约书亚将用标枪做同样的事情。)
Deuteronomy emphasizes God's gracious and undeserved love of Israel, and that's expressed in his mighty acts on Israel's behalf.(申命记强调上帝对以色列仁慈和不应得的爱,这在他对以色列人全能的行为上表现出来。)
Shalom said Israel-China relations are developing smoothly with increasing exchanges and cooperation.(沙洛姆说,当前以中关系发展顺利,交流与合作日益增多。)
A huge storm that collapsed part of a cliff on Israel's central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.(以色列古物管理局周二表示,一场巨大的风暴摧毁了以色列中部海岸的一处悬崖,使得一尊罗马时期的雕像被发现。)
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