Well past the beginning of the last century, it was not uncommon for intrepid and wealthy Europeans visiting Africa to bring along a taxidermist or two.(早在上世纪初,很多富裕兼具冒险精神的欧洲人在去非洲时都会带一两个会做标本的人同行。)
Thailand's sun-drenched jewel in the South Andaman Sea Koh Lipe has recently risen to the top of intrepid beach lovers’ A-list of island paradises.(泰国安达曼海南部太阳沐浴下的珠宝——里朴岛最近上升至英勇无畏的沙滩爱好者们的海岛乐园甲级名单的最顶端。)
This section walks through installation of SystemTap on Ubuntu version 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), which is not representative of a SystemTap installation.(这个小节介绍在Ubuntuversion8.10(IntrepidIbex)上安装systemtap的步骤,但这并不是一个具有代表性的SystemTap安装。)
These intrepid promoters treat books as markers of identity and as culturalartifacts of great import.(这些勇敢的推动者将书籍视作身份的标志和优秀的外来文化艺术品。)
Zac Sunderland arrived in Marina Del Rey aboard his 36-foot sloop Intrepid at about 10am local time.(扎克•桑德兰在当地时间早上大约10点钟驾着他的36英尺长的“勇猛”号的单桅纵帆船到达了玛琳娜得瑞港。)
A turnout of only 43%, close to a record low, suggests that only the most intrepid voted.(投票率仅43%,接近史上最低,显示只有那些最铁杆的人才出来投票。)
It also offers airport transfers, activities and Abta bonding - a perfect site for the intrepid, but cautious traveller.(还提供机场接送、活动和与英国旅行社协会(abta)绑定的信息——是胆大心细的旅行者的理想网站。)
Happily, an intrepid prosecutor came to the rescue, vowing to press charges of attempted murder against the general who had ordered her arrest.(最危险的一次是她被关押在当地秘密警察的总部,幸运的是一位勇敢的公诉人前来救她,并发誓要以故意杀人罪对下命令逮捕她的指挥官进行指控。)
Like intrepid escapees before him, your correspondent bravely clicked the "Submit" button.(就像在他面前无畏的逃亡者,你的联系人勇敢地点击“提交”按钮。)
Because I'm running on Ubuntu (the Intrepid release), I use the apt utility to grab the Hadoop distribution.(因为我运行ubuntu(intrepid版),所以使用apt实用程序获取Hadoop发行版。)
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