She covers the interplay of the European powers and the roller-coaster complexity of France from Louis XVI to Napoleon III with deceptive ease.(她既描写了欧洲强权之间的勾心斗角,又揭示了路易十六至拿破仑三世时期法国在虚妄的平静之下如过山车一般惊心动魄的复杂历程。)
Such models may also help to pin down the causes of diseases that arise from the interplay of genetic and environmental factors.(这种模型也许能有助于发现基因与环境因素相互作用而引起的疾病的根本原因。)
It is a monumental scientific achievement, and its development illustrates the essential interplay between observation, prediction, and testing required for scientific progress.(它是一项不朽的科学发现,而且它的出现说明了观察、预测和检验(科研进程中必须的活动)之间基本的相互影响。)
The interplay of our neural and cultural institutions comprises our moral history.(这种我们的神经系统和文化之间不断的相互作用组成了我们的道德史。)
Mentally he was still patrolling the site, noting the course of storm-drains and the interplay of vaulting and walls.(精神上,他仍旧在那个地方一路闲逛,或者正儿八经走一遭,巡视一遍,看看暴雨下水道的线路以及拱形圆顶和墙壁的交互感应。)
There will be hundreds more such insights as the complex interplay of biological, psychological and cultural factors is better understood.(还有许多诸如此类的科学见解会随着人们对生物学、心理学和文化方面的因素之间复杂的互相作用更好理解而相继出现。)
The complex interplay of species in symbiotic relationships highlights an important point about communities: Their structure depends on a web of diverse connections among organisms.(物种在共生关系中复杂的相互作用突出了群落的一个重要特点:它们的结构取决于生物之间多样的联系网络。)
All that sharing can open up new and tricky fields of interplay in relationships.(所有的分享都会在你的那张相互影响关系网里开辟一个新的棘手的领域。)
The tension and interplay between the situation and its negation, produce constantly new and emergent forms of social existence.(这些情形和其否定之间的张力和相互影响一直在产出崭新的和突现的社会存在形式。)
If we could have a big enough database of human genomes then you can see the interplay of genetics.(如果我们有一个巨大的人类基因组数据库,那么你可以了解遗传间的相互作用。)
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