副词: interferingly 名词: interferer 过去式: interfered 过去分词: interfered 现在分词: interfering 第三人称单数: interferes
副词: interferingly 名词: interferer 过去式: interfered 过去分词: interfered 现在分词: interfering 第三人称单数: interferes
1. come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle
e.g. Your talking interferes with my work!
2. get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force
e.g. Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II?
Synonym: intervenestep ininterpose
1. 干涉;干预;介入
If you say that someone interferes in a situation, you mean they get involved in it although it does not concern them and their involvement is not wanted.
e.g. I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone...
e.g. The UN cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country.
2. 妨碍;冲突;抵触
Something that interferes with a situation, activity, or process has a damaging effect on it.
e.g. Drug problems frequently interfered with his work...
e.g. Alexander wasn't going to let a lack of space interfere with his plans...
1. 干涉:2、 球体(SPHERE)增加实体网格线密度(ISOLINES=你输入的数值,默认为4)干涉(InterFere)产生重叠部分,保留原物体. 选择面的方法:全选面(ALL) 删除面(R) 添加面(A)5、 旋转曲面(REVSURF)把指定的二维对象绕指定轴旋转成曲面
2. 介入:近几年来逐渐引起学术界关注与讨论的'艺术家进驻',其间所牵涉的议题包括艺术家与观众参与互动 ( audience access)的可能性、异文化交流 (cultural exchange)、艺术家在公共场域 ( artist in public arena)的展演或介入 (interfere)与艺术创作过程(w
I never interfere in his business.
None has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries'.
1. interfere in : 干涉, 干预;
2. interfere with : 妨碍, 乱动, 干涉, 干扰;
I wouldn't want her to think he was interfering, queering her pitch.
出自:B. T. BradfordThe primary instinct was being blocked or interfered with.
出自:A. StorrHer nails..were..short, so as not to interfere with her piano playing.
出自:J. Johnston