英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 15:04:38



英 [ˈɪnsjuleɪtə(r)]

美 [ˈɪnsəleɪtə(r)]


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  • 【电】绝缘子,隔电子,绝缘体
  • 从事绝缘工作的人
  • 隔离者
  • 隔离物
  • 隔振子
  • 【物】绝缘物,绝热体,隔热体,绝热器,隔热材料(绝缘、隔热或隔音等的物质或装置)
  • 隔热的作用


1. a material such as glass or porcelain with negligible electrical or thermal conductivity

Synonym: dielectricnonconductor

1. 绝缘体;绝热体;隔音物
An insulator is a material that insulates something.

e.g. Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold.

1. 绝缘体:05 ~ 1012Ω /square– 抗静电性(Anti-Static)材质:表面电阻系数介於109 ~ 1012 Ω /square– 绝缘体(Insulator)材质:表面电阻系数介於 1012 Ω /square以上接地造成ESD放电 (FIM)通常在金属氧化层半导体(MOS)上可以发现此类型之破坏,

2. 绝缘子:绝缘子(insulator)长约几百个核苷酸对,是通常位于启动子同正调控元件(增强子)或负调控因子(为异染色质)之间的一种调控序列. 绝缘子本身对基因的表达既没有正效应,也没有负效应,其作用只是不让其他调控元件对基因的活化效应或失活效应发生作用.

3. 绝缘层:目前努力中的重点在於把绝缘层 (Insulator) 的材料换成有机材料. 他说,一旦 insulator 材料转换成功,闸 (gate) 就容易了. 此外,预计 2003 年底以前,研发团队会把塑胶基板的材料也转换成有机材料. 李正中经理指出,生产 OTFT 面临的两大挑战,

4. 碍子:2.进口瑞士APG设备开始陆续开发完成各种树脂(Epoxy Resin)碍子(Insulator)、套管(Bushing)与24kv真空开关绝缘架(FRAME)等绝缘体供应国内外市场.

The foam wasn't a very good insulator (in other words, not useful to him at the time), but he was impressed by how light and strong it was.(这种泡沫的隔热能力并不是很好(换句话说,在当时并不能让他满意),但是他却发现这种泡沫材料非常轻又非常坚韧。)
In this paper, the method which can judge the working condition of the insulator based on the acoustic emission is given (AE method).(文章根据污秽放电伴随的超声信号,提出用声发射信号来反映绝缘子的污闪过程。)
The application of numerical control in insulator manufacturing was introduced.(介绍数控技术在电瓷生产中的应用。)
Simply put, a capacitor stores an electrical charge between two conductive plates separated by an electrical insulator.(简单地说,一个电绝缘体隔开两片导电板,而电容器在导电板间储存电量。)
The insulator iodine becomes a metal, and sodium becomes insulating.(绝缘的碘可以成为一种有金属性质的物质,而钠则可变成绝缘体。)
Produces including lampholders porcelain lampholder fuse box insulator knife switch adapter block porcelain socket porcelain etc.(电瓷件、瓷灯头、瓷灯座、座熔断器、绝缘子、闸刀开关、瓷接器、瓷插座等各式灯座。)
It can save energy for 20-30% as it is a good insulator.(因为它是一个良好的绝缘,它可以节省20-30%的能源。)
Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold.(脂肪是极好的抵御寒冷的隔热材料。)
Tall towers are frequent targets of lightning strikes, because there is less air to act as an insulator between the tower and a cloud.(高塔是闪电最常光顾的目标,因为塔和云之间作为绝缘体的空气稀薄。)
General Electric licensed Bakelite as an insulator in 1909, then began to develop its own resins.(通用电气在1909年授权生产胶木绝缘体,然后开始开发自己的树脂。)
insulator是什么意思 insulator在线翻译 insulator什么意思 insulator的意思 insulator的翻译 insulator的解释 insulator的发音 insulator的同义词