英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 14:56:00


英 [ˌɪnɪlæs'tɪsɪtɪ]

美 [ˌɪnɪlæs'tɪsətɪ]


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1. the lack of elasticity

1. 非弹性:粘塑性 Viscoplasticity | 非弹性 Inelasticity | 理想弹塑性材料 elastic-perfectly plastic Material

2. 无伸缩性:inelastic 无弹性的 | inelasticity 无伸缩性 | inelegance 不雅

3. 无弹力;不弯曲;无适应性:inelastic 非弹性的 | inelasticity 无弹力;不弯曲;无适应性 | inequality constrain 不等式约束

4. 坚硬性:inelasticity 不适应性 | inelasticity 坚硬性 | inelasticity 坚硬性

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But the inelasticity between the characteristic of the remote sensing image data and the traditional parallel process based on GPU introduces bottleneck problems in the traditional parallel process.(但由于传统的GPU并行处理流程与遥感图像数据特点、算法特点的适应性问题,导致传统遥感图像GPU并行处理流程存在瓶颈。)
The technical terms for the subjects of his studies are anharmonicity, asphericity, inelasticity, as well as anisotropy.(他研究的主题的技术术语是非谐性,非球面性,非弹性以及畸形的。)
The lower platen is fixed together with bottom of the connecting block and compacting the inelasticity belt tight.(下压板与连接块底部固定在一起,并将无弹性带压紧。)
That suggests a high degree of price-inelasticity. Consumers will endure higher prices with respect to products for which there are perceived to be few substitutes.(这表明价格的刚性程度较高,也就是说,对于很少有替代性选择的产品来说,消费者会忍受较高的价格。)
Once the brick infills failed, the lateral strength and stiffness had to be provided by the frames alone, which then experienced significant inelasticity in the critical regions.(一旦砖块缝隙填料缺失,其侧向强度与刚性只能转由框架单独提供,致使临界位置严重丧失弹性。)
Diets the moisture content which in the process drains to cause the skin will also become rough, inelasticity.(节食过程中所流失的水分还会使皮肤变得粗糙,无弹性。)
Based on an analysis of the accumulated data of the cosmic ray experiments, find that inelasticity K decrease with energy as 0.(基于宇宙线实验积累数据的分析,求得非弹性K对能量的依赖为0。)
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