英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:43:28



英 [ɪnˈdʌkt]

美 [ɪn'dʌkt]


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过去式: inducted 过去分词: inducted 现在分词: inducting 第三人称单数: inducts

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1. introduce or initiate

e.g. The young geisha was inducted into the ways of her profession

2. produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes

Synonym: induce

3. place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position

e.g. there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy

Synonym: investseat

4. admit as a member

e.g. We were inducted into the honor society

5. accept people into an exclusive society or group, usually with some rite

e.g. African men are initiated when they reach puberty

Synonym: initiate

1. 使正式就任;赋予头衔;给予职位
If someone is inducted into a particular job, rank, or position, they are given the job, rank, or position in a formal ceremony.


e.g. Six new members have been inducted into the Provincial Cabinet...
6 名新成员已经正式加入省内阁班子。
e.g. She inducts Nina into the cult.

2. 征召…入伍
If someone is inducted into the army, they are officially made to join the army.

e.g. In December he was inducted into the army.
12 月他应征入伍了。

1. 感应,引导,引入:Induced field 感应磁场 感生场 | induct 感应,引导,引入 | inductance bridge flowmeter 感应电桥流量计

2. 感应:fuse lighter 雷管点火器 | induct 感应 | be not made of salt 不怕雨淋

3. 使正式就职:induce 引诱,诱使,引起 | induct 使正式就职 | introduce 引进,介绍,介绍认识


4. 引入:inducer 诱导者;诱导物;电感器;进口段;叶轮 | induct 引入 | inductance amplifier 电感耦合放大器

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Induct electric power cable, shell up the destine length.(引入电力电缆,在预定长度剥开。)
Objective:Treats after to the stomach cancer surgery the nutrition to induct carries on the analysis discussion;(目的:对胃癌手术治疗后的营养导入进行分析探讨;)
This study introduced methods and opinions how to induct marginal condition in organic chemistry experiment.(本文探讨了在有机化学实验教学中引入边缘性条件的做法与体会。)
The frequency-guided receiver requires target signal's carrier frequency, gained by frequency measurement, to induct data rate conversion.(引导式接收需要采用测频方法得到目标信号载频,由测频结果引导后续数字信号处理器降低数据率。)
A flock of players form an organization, induct other player initiate ceaselessly.(一群玩家组成一个组织,并不断吸纳别的玩家入会。)
In new Cambridge economic growth model, we induct a new variable, technology labor.(在新剑桥经济增长模型中,我们引入了技术劳动者这一新的变量。)
The paper introduces a new feature compensation method which will induct the relativity of the prediction of spectrum based probability model in detail.(在概率模型中,给出了引入倒谱预测值的动态相关性来进行特征补偿的方法。)
A service to induct the new President of the university.(那个大学的新校长正式的就任仪式。)
From aspect and so on material limitation, craft limitation and structure limitation to induct and reorganize the stair's questions.(从空间约束、结构局限性、工艺局限性及材料局限性等方面展开对楼梯题目的回纳和整理。)
Chicory's regrowth took root easily, both NAA and IBA could induct rooting, but it would be inhibited if the concentration of auxins were too high.(菊苣再生苗生根较容易,IBA和NAA均能诱导菊苣再生苗生根,但浓度过高会抑制其生根。)
induct是什么意思 induct在线翻译 induct什么意思 induct的意思 induct的翻译 induct的解释 induct的发音 induct的同义词