Aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped.(给年老、贫困、残疾的人的帮助。)
The viciousness of the official animus toward the indigent can be breathtaking.(官方针对穷人的敌意之恶毒可以说是惊人的。)
We hope that the friendly communications will be strengthened, and the cooperative philanthropic projects will be better and better, so that we can offer more help to the indigent patients.(今后和中国加强友好往来,将合作的慈善项目办得更好,对更多的贫困患者给予帮助。)
We spoke with Old Zhao recently and found out what drew him to the indigent lifestyle.(我们最近采访了老赵,试图找出导致他如此生活的原因。)
Lonesome and indigent foreign women might take heart to note another discrepancy: they are still allowed to marry Cambodian men.(孤独和贫穷的外国女性可能对这一异议感到振奋:她们仍可同柬埔寨男人结婚。)
The style of traditional report design tool is indigent, and the reusability and maintainability are not good as well.(传统报表设计工具样式单一,复用性差,不便维护。)
In Colorado, Grand Junction's city council is considering a ban on begging; Tempe, Arizona, carried out a four-day crackdown on the indigent at the end of June.(科罗拉多州大江克欣的城市议会正在商讨一项乞讨禁令;亚利桑那州坦培市在六月末展开了为期四天的针对穷人的打击行动。)
We were not operating in the black before the storm because so many of our patients were indigent.(风暴来临前,我们的经营没有盈余,因为有太多贫困的患者。)
She cared for her parents and other needy relatives, turning her residence into the Home for Indigent and Aged Negroes.(她照顾她的父母和其他需要帮助的亲戚,将自己的住所变成了“贫困和老年黑人之家”。)
That which is carried on for the benefit of the poor and the indigent is too often either neglected or oppressed.(这样做有利于穷人不然穷人往往要么被忽视或受压迫。)
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