in the wake of

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in the wake of

更新时间:2024-09-20 05:33:50

英 [in ðə weik ɔv]

美 [ɪn ði wek ʌv]

in the wake of基本解释

紧紧跟随; 随着 ... 而来; 作为 ... 的结果


  • 网络解释

1. 在...之后:up to多达 | in the wake of 在...之后 | in terms of按照,依据

2. in the wake of是什么意思

2. 随着......而来:22.positive and negative feelings 正反两面的情感 | the wake of... 随着......而来 | 24.the general public 公众

3. 尾随:in the vicinity of 在邻近 | in the wake of 尾随 | in the warm 在暖和的地方

4. 跟在......后面;仿效:in the stream 在中流 | in the wake of... 跟在......后面;仿效 | in the wake of... 跟在...后面仿效

  • 临近词
Remember how, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Al Gore claimed that we were in store for ever more destructive hurricanes?(还记得2005年卡特里娜飓风过后,阿尔·戈尔是如何宣称我们正准备迎接比以往更具破坏性的飓风的吗?)
Yet Chevron's shares are down just 5% in the wake of Exxon's XTO deal.(然而在埃克森收购XTO之后,雪佛龙的股价仅跌了5%。)
Dew wrote a forceful defense of slavery in the wake of this, which became kind of a seminal text for all future pro-slavery writers.(随后德夫为维护奴隶制写了一份有力的辩护,这份辩护成为支持所有后亲奴主义作家的开创性著作。)
Thomas R. Dew wrote a whole book in the wake of the state of Virginia's debates in 1832 over whether to re-write its constitution.(托马斯·德夫在1832年弗吉尼亚关于是否要重新制定宪法的辩论之后写了一本书。)
The currency markets were calm Wednesday, as they consolidated in the wake of Tuesday's turmoil.(周三的货币市场保持平静,因为经过周二的动荡之后他们正在盘整。)
These plummeted in the wake of the crisis, and have never returned to pre-crisis levels.(在危机发生后,投资率直线下降,再也没有回归到危机发生前的水平。)
What carts I shall fling carelessly into the ditch in the wake of my magnificent onset!(在我辉煌的进攻之路上,我将随随便便地把几辆大马车扔进沟里!)
Feelings there have been running high in the wake of last week's killing.(紧随上周杀人事件之后,那里已是群情激愤。)
Airlines around the world have cut services and dismissed staff as their business has plunged in the wake of the crisis.(由于危机后的业务大幅下滑,世界各地的航空公司纷纷削减服务和裁员。)
There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.(在近来的炸彈袭击之后,大街上随即出现了示威游行。)
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