英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:37:11
  • 网络解释

1. 按照,根据:in the least / / 一点,丝毫 | in the light of / / 按照,根据 | in the long run / / 最终,从长远观点看来

2. 根据:go with: 与 匹配 | in the light of: 根据 | knock out: 使人昏迷

3. in the light of

3. 按照:in the least 丝毫 | in the light of 按照 | in the log 未经加工

4. 由于:try out 试验 | in the light of 由于 | cross-disciplinary 跨规则,跨学科

As a result, the catalogue of planets is filled with "hot Jupiters", huge bodies baking brightly in the light of their sun.(结果,行星编录上尽是短周期气体巨行星,这些行星被它们的太阳烤得火亮火亮。)
Clad in the light of a pole-star piercing the darkness of time.(北极星那明亮的衣裳,正照耀在时空的暗房。)
But they will make uncomfortable reading for the former prime minister in the light of some of his other claims.(但是,这些文件读起来将让前首相在自己的说法面前不怎么舒服。)
The workforce knows that pedantic adherence to fixed rules rapidly falls by the way side in the light of tight schedules and limited resources.(职工知道,根据紧张的进度和有限的资源,迂腐地遵守确定的规则会快速地半途而废。)
For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.(因为你救我的命脱离死亡。你岂不是救护我的脚不跌倒,使我在生命光中行在神面前吗?)
Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, o Lord.(知道向你欢呼的,那民是有福的。耶和华阿,他们在你脸上的光里行走。)
In the light of her difficult childhood, however you can't help but ponder if she didn't choose to alter it herself.(考虑到她童年时的艰辛,你不禁会琢磨,名字会不会是她自己改的。)
The Aristotelian view held for a long time, but eventually, it started to crumble in the light of more data.(亚里士多德的观点持续了很长一段时间,但最终随着更多数据的出现,它开始瓦解。)
European nations worry about their dependency on Russian gas, particularly in the light of previous pipeline closures.(欧洲国家因其对俄罗斯天然气的依赖而忧心忡忡,尤其是在俄罗斯数次关闭输气管道之后。)
We will continue to make the RMB exchange rate more flexible in the light of the changes in market supply and demand.(我们将根据市场需求的变化来进一步加大人民币浮动的弹性。)
in the light of是什么意思 in the light of在线翻译 in the light of什么意思 in the light of的意思 in the light of的翻译 in the light of的解释 in the light of的发音 in the light of的同义词