英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:53:33
  • 网络解释

1. in peace的翻译

1. 安静,宁静:in other words 换句话说 | in peace 安静,宁静 | in public 当众;公开

2. 平静地,安宁地:in other words 换句话说 | in peace 平静地,安宁地 | in public 在公众面前,公开地

3. 和平地:zone 地域 地带 | in peace 和平地 | species 种类 物种

4. 安祥地:in passing 顺便 | in peace 安祥地 | in person 亲自

They simply can't seem to live in peace with each other.(他们好像就是不能和睦相处。)
The best thing to do is to leave them in peace!(最好的办法就是让他们安息!)
"I can go back in peace," said the old man.(“我可以安心回去了。”老人说。)
Now you can leave. Go in peace.(如今可以出监,平平安安的去吧。)
Rest there in peace, till thou art a wiser man than thou wert.(在那里安静地待着吧,直到你成为一个比以前更聪明的人。)
India can contribute and work in peace and friendship and in synergy benefit a lot.(印度可以为和平与友谊作出贡献,并在工作中发挥作用,在协同作用中受益匪浅。)
I could not be in peace!(我不能得到安宁!)
Lying at ease within the odored room, he slept in peace.(他躺在有香味的房间里,安静地睡着了。)
My middle school life is not in peace.(我的初中生活并不是那么的平静。)
May his soul rest in peace!(让他的灵魂安息吧!)
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