英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:31:35



英 [ɪm'peɪʃns]

美 [ɪmˈpeʃəns]


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  • 焦急
  • 不耐烦
  • 切盼
  • 看不惯
  • 难以忍受
  • 无耐心
  • 渴望
  • 性急
  • 切望
  • 急躁
  • 没耐性
  • 不能忍耐
  • 焦急心情
  • 急切
  • 恨不得
  • 操之过急
  • 迫不及待
  • 焦躁
  • 难耐


1. a dislike of anything that causes delay

2. a restless desire for change and excitement

3. a lack of patience
irritation with anything that causes delay

Synonym: restlessness

1. 不耐烦:好胜心极强,渴望竞争取胜,A型性格是促进社会发展的中坚力量,但其缺点是好发脾气,易冲动,面对激烈的竞争,A型性格者(请注意与血型无关)易反应为恼火(Aggravation)、激动(Irritaiton)、愤怒(Anger)与不耐烦(Impatience),即著名的AIAI反应,

2. impatience的翻译

2. 没耐心:你们次元中的极性必须被内化, 你将在那里找到心智里的耐心(patience), 你必须有意识地发现相对应的没耐心(impatience), 反之亦然. 每一个思想都有一个相反的对照(antithesis), 关于心智的锻炼, 首先, 辨别出哪些事情是你赞同的,

3. impatience的意思

3. 急躁, 不耐烦:- indignation 愤慨 | - impatience 急躁, 不耐烦 | - pessimism悲观的

  • 经典引文

  • His good manners hardly hid his impatience to be alone.

    出自:M. Keane
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

My impatience with the customs ritual indicated that Chloe, who I had not known existed a few hours ago, had already acquired the status of a craving.(我对海关例行公事的不耐烦暗示着,几小时前我还不知道存在的克洛艾,已经产生了渴望的状态。)
I missed my mom still and remembered with melancholy clarity the moments when I'd used my impatience to make her life miserable.(我仍然想念我的妈妈,并且清晰地记得那些我用我的不耐烦让她的生活变得痛苦的时刻。)
In other words, impatience is a huge mistake.(也就是说,缺乏耐心是一个非常严重的错误。)
There was impatience over the slowness of reform.(人们对改革的缓慢进程缺乏耐心。)
His impatience to get to London grew hourly, and his captivity became almost unendurable.(他越来越急切地要到伦敦去,他被囚禁的日子几乎到了难以忍受的地步。)
Tom’s impatience is transferred into sympathy.(汤姆的不耐烦变成了同情。)
More often it was impatience that was ruinous.(更多的时候是他的耐心不足对他造成了致命的威胁。)
Tom lay awake and waited, in restless impatience.(汤姆醒着躺在那里,焦躁不安地等着。)
There are places and objects that signify impatience.(许多场所和物件都表明人们有急躁情绪。)
Faced with any situation that can't be solved by the sheer force of activity, they generate a dust cloud of impatience.(面对任何单凭行动的力量无法解决的情况,他们会产生不耐烦的情绪。)
impatience是什么意思 impatience在线翻译 impatience什么意思 impatience的意思 impatience的翻译 impatience的解释 impatience的发音 impatience的同义词