副词: identically 名词: identicalness
副词: identically 名词: identicalness
1. (of twins) derived from a single egg or ovum
e.g. identical twins are monovular
Synonym: monovular
2. coinciding exactly when superimposed
e.g. identical triangles
Synonym: superposable
3. having properties with uniform values along all axes
4. exactly alike
incapable of being perceived as different
e.g. rows of identical houses
cars identical except for their license plates
they wore indistinguishable hats
Synonym: indistinguishable
5. being the exact same one
not any other:
e.g. this is the identical room we stayed in before
the themes of his stories are one and the same
saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers
on this very spot
the very thing he said yesterday
the very man I want to see
Synonym: selfsame(a)very(a)
1. 完全相同的;同样的
Things that are identical are exactly the same.
e.g. Nearly all the houses were identical...
e.g. The two parties fought the last election on almost identical manifestos.
1. 相同的:看看照片,再瞥人一眼,以确定(make sure)两者是否相同的(identical)物体. 不得不说的还有一个神秘的(mysterious)物体. 什么物体?是什么物体还不确定(uncertain),大名叫UFO. 意思是/意味着,是最常见的(most frequent)意思.
2. 同一的:即使传统一元唯心主义(traditional monistic idealism),也只是声明--个别主体的意识与作为所有一切存在基础的意识是同一的(identical). 正如神秘家们总是说的,我们感觉到的分离感(sense of separation)只是一种幻觉(illusion).
This is the very identical man.
出自:B. H. Malkin