英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:44:20
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1. 冰川覆盖的 冰封的 冰覆盖的:ice-coverwaterrating-curve冰盖水位流量曲线 | ice-covered冰川覆盖的 冰封的 冰覆盖的 | ice-coveredchannel冰封的渠道


2. 冰封着的:ice-cold water 冰冷水 | ice-covered 冰封着的 | iced containment 置冰安全壳


3. 冰封的,冰雪覆盖的:freezing寒冷的,严寒的 | ice-covered冰封的,冰雪覆盖的 | abundant丰富的,充裕的

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He was in absolutely no hurry to step back through the front door and risk sailing through town at the mercy of the wind and ice-covered sidewalks.(他实在是不急于踏出小店的前门,穿行于市区任凭寒风和被冰雪覆盖的道路摆布。)
That is because most of Greenland is covered with lots of ice.(这是因为格陵兰岛大部分地区被大量的冰覆盖着。)
Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age.(现在的研究表明,阿拉斯加东南部沿着内大陆架的相当大的区域在最后一个冰河时代末期并没有被冰覆盖。)
This hungry fox ended up a victim of the sub-zero temperatures when it chased a duck across an ice-covered lake - and froze to death.(一只饥饿的狐狸在结冰的湖面追赶野鸭,结果冻死在冰点下的水中。图片由摄影师蒂姆·伍德科克于南安普顿的汉特斯附近的阿什利特水塘处拍得。)
One of my key challenges is figuring out how best to detect, characterize, and map complex organic chemistry out there in the solar system to see if Europa’s ice-covered ocean is, in fact, inhabited.(我面临的一个重要挑战就是怎样找到探测、表示以及绘制太阳系复杂有机化学物质的最佳方法,来观察木卫二冰层下的海洋是否会有生命存在。)
The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica.(这种物质覆盖的区域十分巨大,因此使其沉积下来的冰一定是比格陵兰岛或南极洲更大的大陆冰川。)
You'll never be too careful as you drive on a ice-covered road.(在结冰的路面上驾车时,怎么小心都不为过。)
Nilz and Auren were taken as prisoners to his fortress, nestled in an ice-covered volcano in the province of Tawntoom.(尼尔兹和奥伦被当作囚犯关在他的要塞里。这座要塞位于唐吞省的冰封火山上。)
The northern Arctic regions are ice-covered sea, almost completely surrounded by land. The pole itself is in deep water.(北极的北部极地是冰封的海域,它几乎完全为陆地所包围,磁极本身位于深海。)
The object of the game is to slide down a snow - and ice-covered mountain as quickly as possible, avoiding the trees and rocks that will slow you down.(游戏的目标是尽可能快的滑下一个冰雪覆盖的山脉,避免减低你的速度的树和岩石。)
ice-covered是什么意思 ice-covered在线翻译 ice-covered什么意思 ice-covered的意思 ice-covered的翻译 ice-covered的解释 ice-covered的发音 ice-covered的同义词