The new hospital opens on July 1st.(这家新医院七月一日开诊。)
I had an awful time in the hospital.(我在医院的日子可真难熬。)
The patient was transferred to another hospital.(患者转送到了另一家医院。)
He's in hospital again. Poor dab.(他又住医院了,怪可怜的。)
She was deeply involved with the local hospital.(她曾全心投入当地医院。)
I had to go to the hospital.(我得去医院看病。)
Ambulances took the injured to a nearby hospital.(救护车把伤者送到了附近的一所医院。)
He arrested on the way to the hospital.(他在送往医院途中停止了心跳。)
She spent two weeks in hospital.(她住院两周。)
The hospital says she's out of immediate danger.(医院说她眼下已没有危险。)
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hospital是什么意思 hospital在线翻译 hospital什么意思 hospital的意思 hospital的翻译 hospital的解释 hospital的发音 hospital的同义词