Objective: To observe the effect of depression on hemiplegia early rehabilitation after stroke.(目的:探讨脑卒中后抑郁对卒中早期偏瘫康复的影响。)
Objective To observe the effect of electromyographic biofeedback therapy on hemiplegia of patients with cerebral infarction.(目的观察脑梗死偏瘫患者接受肌电生物反馈治疗的效果。)
Objective: To study the effect of rehabilitation intervention time on the consequence hemiplegia after stroke.(目的:探讨康复干预时间对脑卒中偏瘫患者预后的影响。)
Objective to investigate relative factors of influencing limb functional recovery in the patient of hemiplegia.(目的:寻找影响偏瘫肢体功能康复的主要因素。)
Early rehabilitation should be advocated in stroke patients to prevent hemiplegia.(脑卒中患者须提倡早期康复以预防偏瘫。)
Objective: To discuss the training methods and effectiveness of the early rehabilitation for patients with hemiplegia.(目的:探讨对偏瘫患者实施早期康复训练的方法及效果。)
ConclusionThe early rehabilitation can obviously decrease anxiety and depression of stroke patients with hemiplegia.(结论早期康复对脑卒中患者的焦虑及抑郁症状有明显的改善作用。)
ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of surrounding-acupuncture on scalp on hemiplegia.(目的探讨头部围针结合体针在偏瘫康复中的作用。)
Objective: To show influence of early active rehabilitation on lower limb function of cerebral infarction patients with hemiplegia.(目的:观察早期主动性康复治疗对脑梗死偏瘫患者下肢功能恢复的影响。)
Objective to emphasis the effects of early rehabilitation on lower extremity motor function in stroke hemiplegia.(目的探讨早期康复对脑卒中偏瘫患者下肢运动功能的影响。)
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