have got to

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have got to

更新时间:2024-05-14 01:19:44

英 [hæv gɔt tu:]

美 [hæv ɡɑt tu]

have got to基本解释

不得不; 必须


  • 网络解释

1. 不得不;必须:have fun with 玩得高兴 | have got to 不得不,必须 | have to 不得不,必须

2. 必须,不得不:bread and butter 生活必需品; 衣、食和住, 生计 | have got to 必须, 不得不 | if necessary 如果必要的话

3. 不得不:calm down 镇定下来 | have got to 不得不 | be concerned about 关心;挂念

4. 必须:18.commercial activities 商业活动 | 19.have got to 必须 | 20.instead of 替代

  • 临近词
You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.(你要在必须做的事情上成功。)
JOANN PARKS: "It is just a lot of things that have got to go."(帕克斯:“有一堆东西需要带走。”)
We have got to start helping homeowners, in a serious way, to prevent foreclosures.(我们必须开始以十分严肃的方式来帮助房主,防止他们丧失房屋赎回权。)
They have got to abide by the rules.(他们必须要遵守规定。)
We have got to get to work on our own country.(我们得做我们自己国家的事情。)
On profit distribution, that's all I have got to say.(关于利润分配问题,我就说这些。)
We have got to leave right now.(我们必须马上离开。)
There is no beating about the bush, for we know quite well what it was, and have got to tell.(没有必要拐弯抹角,因为我们很清楚那是什么,必须讲出来。)
All fish have wings whales are fish therefore they have got to have wings haven't they?(所有的鱼都有鳍,鲸鱼是鱼,所以他们有鳍,不是吗?)
Somehow, we have got to sustain that.(不管怎样,我们必须维持这种。)
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