But while British women may wish for the 47-year-old's youthful toned figure it seems they do not hanker after her toyboy husband 31-year-old Ashton Kutcher.(尽管英国女性也许渴望拥有像这个47岁的女星那样年轻、健美的身材,但她们好像对她的小老公——31岁的阿什顿“库彻并不感爱好。”)
So people who hanker to express their own views find that their voices are muffled.(于是那些渴望表明自身观点的人发现他们的声音是如此含混不清。)
I hanker after a corner because it serves to bring calmness to my mind.(我对角落的热衷是因为它能够给我的灵魂带来安宁。)
We all hanker for things that we shouldn't have too much of-like ice cream and chocolate-or other things that are even worse for body and soul.(我们常常渴望得到一些不应该拥有太多的东西,例如冰淇淋和巧克力,又或是一些更有损身心的东西。)
Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.(现在不能削弱发达地区的活力,也不能鼓励吃“大锅饭”。)
The Spanish region of Valencia allows for-profit firms to run over 20% of its health-care services, with the sort of long-term deal British providers hanker for.(西班牙Valencia地区允许私人公司经营超过20%的健康医疗业务,这是英国提供商长期以求的份额。)
So try to understand why you hanker for compromise.(所以,要试著去了解,为什么你会渴望妥协。)
See through everything, put it all down, and cultivate. Don't hanker after this transient existence in the six paths.(要看破放下来修行,不要再留恋在六道轮回中了。)
The hotel green management is melts the hotel management into the environmental protection idea. It focuses to hanker economic efficiency, social benefit and environmental benefit optimization.(饭店绿色管理将环境保护的观念融入饭店的经营管理中,是着眼于追求经济效益、社会效益和环境效益最优化的新型管理模式。)
We all hanker for peace.(我们都渴望和平。)
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