过去式: gummed 过去分词: gummed 现在分词: gumming 第三人称单数: gums
过去式: gummed 过去分词: gummed 现在分词: gumming 第三人称单数: gums
1. the tissue (covered by mucous membrane) of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth
Synonym: gingiva
2. a preparation (usually made of sweetened chicle) for chewing
Synonym: chewing gum
3. any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum
Synonym: gum tree
4. wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum
Synonym: gumwood
5. cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive
Synonym: gluemucilage
6. any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants
they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying
1. exude or form gum
e.g. these trees gum in the Spring
2. become sticky
3. grind with the gums
chew without teeth and with great difficulty
e.g. the old man had no teeth left and mumbled his food
Synonym: mumble
4. cover, fill, fix or smear with or as if with gum
e.g. if you gum the tape it is stronger
1. 口香糖
Gum is a substance, usually tasting of mint, which you chew for a long time but do not swallow.
2. 牙龈;齿龈;牙床
Your gums are the areas of firm, pink flesh inside your mouth, which your teeth grow out of.
e.g. The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums.
e.g. ...gum disease.
3. 黏胶;黏合剂
Gum is a type of glue that is used to stick two pieces of paper together.
e.g. He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum.
4. 黏合的
If two things are gummed together, they are stuck together.
e.g. It is a mild infection in which a baby's eyelashes can become gummed together.
5. 树胶;树脂
Gum is a sticky substance which comes from the eucalyptus tree or from various other trees and shrubs.
相关词组:gum up
1. 口香糖:Zoe出楼后往前走在左侧有个自动售卖机,在自动售卖机上使用Mobile得到口香糖(GUM)然后嚼口香糖得到胶棒(STICKER)上楼你会看到一个日本男人的剧情,同那个男人对话,对话完毕后在等车男人的旁边有个垃圾桶,在垃圾处里拾起票的碎片,
2. 牙龈:上礼拜五,就渐渐感觉左上方的智齿附近的牙龈(Gum)有发炎的现象. 以为像之前一样,只要勤刷牙就可以自己治愈. 谁知到最后,连张口及吞咽口水都成问题. 到了诊所,等了两个小时,毕竟是在美国军医院,不用花到自己的钱,也就没什麼好抱怨的;
3. gum的意思
3. 树胶:(3) 树胶(gum) 树胶是一种具有分支结构的杂多糖,多为植物茎枝受到伤害分泌而出,多为无定形固体,干后多呈半透明状. 主要分布于豆科、蔷薇科、芸香科等植物中,如阿拉伯胶(acacia)、西黄芪胶(tragacanth)等. 树胶在水中可膨胀形成胶体溶液,
4. 胶质:广义之胶质(gum)系自植物组织的一部份(如果实,种子,海藻等)所抽取之胶状粘质物而言,胶质物因具有吸收多量水份之性质,故多用为冰淇淋之安定剂,前述藻酸钠亦为其中一种,兹举有价值而属于此类的安定剂如下:
This old stamp isn't sticky any more; I shall have to gum it down onto the envelope.
If you haven't got the special fasteners to fix your photographs into the book, you'll have to gum them on.