英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 14:07:01



英 [ˈgrɑ:slænd]

美 [ˈgræslænd]


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  • 草原
  • 牧草地
  • 草地
  • 牧场
  • 草场
  • 草本植被区


1. land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life

1. 草原;草地;草场
Grassland is land covered with wild grass.


e.g. ...areas of open grassland.

1. grassland的意思

1. 草原:生境:喜热带灌木林(woodland)及热带草原(grassland). 习性:一天约行1.2公里. 在旱季时,马羚族群惯于蹲坐在同一片草地一星期以上,只有在找寻饮水或避阳时方离开一段时间,后又再回到同一个草地. 但基本上马羚族群会一直迁移.

2. 草 场:总体上说,该地的冻原有如下几种:干旱的稀树圆丘(huock)(表明此处曾是古老的海底),布满苔藓的小丘(hillock),被一米多高的矮柳(dwarf willow)包围的草地(meadow),葱翠的草场(grassland),众多湿润的沼泽(其上有冻原池塘散布),

3. 草原; 草地; 牧地:grass wrack 大叶藻 | grassland 草原; 草地; 牧地 | gravel bed filter 砾石滤床过滤器; 砾石滤床滤池

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But there've been times in the past when monsoon rains soaked the Empty Quarter and turned it from a desert into grassland that was dotted with lakes and home to various animals.(但过去也有过一些时候,雨季的雨水浸透了这片“空白之地”,把它从沙漠变成点缀着湖泊的草原,成为各种动物的家园。)
Cows were roaming the grassland.(乳牛在草地上徘徊。)
In the distance is a stretch of grassland.(远处是连绵一片的草原。)
Tourists can also some pure Mongolian entertainment on the vast grassland, such as watching horse racing, wrestling performances, archery and hunting.(游客可以在广袤草原上找到一些具有纯正蒙古风情的娱乐项目,如观看赛马、摔跤表演、射箭以及打猎。)
Much of the grassland became desert because it was seriously destroyed by the rabbits.(草原的大部分变成了沙漠,因为遭到了兔子的严重破坏。)
After five years, the grassland has been restored and dust storms have lessened.(五年后,草原开始恢复,沙尘暴已经减少了。)
When the Europeans arrived, Rapa Nui was grassland, with only a few scrawny trees.(当欧洲人到达时,拉帕努伊还是一片草原,只有几棵瘦骨嶙峋的树。)
Now, in a grassland of Lake Ecosystem, we'd expect to find fossils from a variety of animals, and numerous fossils have been found at least at these particular sites.(现在,在湖泊生态系统的草原上,我们可以预料能找到各种动物的化石,至少在这些特定地点已经发现了大量的化石。)
A swarm of insects hovers over grassland in Madagascar.(一大群蝗虫在非洲马达加斯加一处草原的上空徘徊低飞。)
All the resultant activities have tended, on balance, to reduce tree cover and increase grassland.(总的来说,所有由此产生的活动都趋向于减少树木覆盖,增加草地。)
grassland是什么意思 grassland在线翻译 grassland什么意思 grassland的意思 grassland的翻译 grassland的解释 grassland的发音 grassland的同义词