I'm gleeful to hear of the progress of you work.(我很高兴听说你的工作取得新进展。)
SMB uses retro and modern game-design elements with a gleeful gloss of gore and absurdity, producing a game that simultaneously looks backward and forward at the same time.(“超级肉球小子”用上兼具复古与现代的游戏设计元素,加上欢快表象下的血腥和荒诞,产生出一个同时既有回顾性然而又有前瞻性的游戏。)
December 12, 1972, "says bemused John Davis, as Kim crinkles up his eyes behind thick glasses and cracks a gleeful grin."(“1972年12月12日。”满脸困惑的约翰,戴维斯说道,金闭上了厚眼睛片后的那双眼睛,咧嘴而笑。)
Surely not the two gleeful men, arms upraised, surrounded by cheering crowds in an open-air prayer meeting in Nairobi's city centre on April 11th?(当然不是图中这两位欢天喜地的男子,难道是4月11日在奈洛比市中心那次露天祈祷会中被群众欢呼所包围的那些手舞足蹈者吗?)
Whipping around our chubby hero in his unique brand of acrobatics is as responsive and joyful as ever, his gleeful yelps ringing loud at a expertly executed somersault.(我们的胖乎乎的英雄仍然以独门的技巧逛来逛去,和以往一样易于操作,一个完美的空翻,伴随着欣喜若狂的叫喊声。)
The king felt very gleeful and rewarded the sage with 100 golden COINS.(国王听后大喜,奖赏第二位智者100个金币。)
This led to the unforgettable sight of Sarkozy, bent over, chasing the dog as the dog chased the rabbit, and Louis filled the room with gleeful laughter.(这时出现了让在场人难忘的搞笑一幕:萨科齐弯下腰,追逐在兔子和小狗后面,路易斯则在一旁哈哈大笑。)
Here I am wishing myself to have a smooth and gleeful trip tomorrow!(祝自己明天旅途愉快!)
Was I very gleeful, settled, content, during the hours I passed in yonder bare, humble schoolroom this morning and afternoon? Not to deceive myself, I must reply — no: I felt desolate to a degree.(今天上午和下午我在那边四壁空空、简陋不堪的教室里度过的几小时,难道自己就快乐、安心、知足吗,为了不自欺欺人,我得回答——没有。)
All this gleeful coverage does not seem to have driven many Britons to vegetarianism. But it does provide a good example of the unintended consequences of climate correctness.(所有的这些有趣的内容似乎也并不能将英国人转变成素食主义者,但是这确实为温度正确性带来未预料到的结果提供了一个很好的例子。)
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