We did not give way to bitterness.(我们没有给苦难和怨恨让路。)
Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers still rarely give way to pedestrians.(俄罗斯的道路是出了名的危险,司机也很少给行人让道。)
After a while all these sensations will subside and will give way to stillness.(过一会所有这些感觉都会消退,让位于宁静。)
The first is that the dollar's global monopoly will give way to a duopoly of the dollar and the euro.(第一种情况是美元的全球垄断地位,将让位于美元和欧元的双寡头垄断。)
Then you could see waves of local interest, as the daytime tourist hordes give way to drunk people snapping party pictures.(然后你就可以看到一阵阵的地方兴趣,像大白天成群结队的游客们在给狂拍派对照片的醉鬼们让路。)
Clear private speech will give way to euphemisms suitable for public consumption.(为防被公开,私下谈话也将会由直白变得委婉。)
The activism of the last two years is likely to give way to paralysis in the next two.(未来两年内,过去的能动主义可能会让位于消极无为。)
Most experts agreed that the rally will eventually give way to a pullback.(多数专家都赞同,回升终将带得牛回头。)
I look at Neal. I see the puzzled look in his eyes give way to sadness.(我看了看Neal,看见他困惑的眼神中流露出的悲伤。)
The traditional skills of advertising will give way to those of public relations.(公共关系技巧将会比传统广告业的技巧将被更加有效。)
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