give free rein to

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give free rein to

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:33:04

give free rein to基本解释

对 ... 不加约束; 放任; 给 ... 充分自由


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1. Delaying admitting the real situation and failing to take decisive action now will give runaway oil prices free rein to hurt the economy later.

2. This is where most Beijing slickers spend their weekend to give their horses free rein in the closest genuine grassland to the capital.

3. To spur creativity, we should give free rein to the imagination.

4. I can give free rein to my thoughts and live out my fantasies.

1. Four Chengdu logistics zones have different industrial basis and transportation condition s and should give free rein to each regional advantage and functional position and should realize double win by dislocation development.

2. give free rein to

2. In order to give free rein to the performance of low hardness top roller, the relation between the top roller pressure and resultant yarn's quality was analysed.

3. Total control is the main line of superintendence, and it can give free rein to internal advantage of environmental management.

4. Give free rein to your imagination in the fantasy forest full of puzzles and mysteries.


5. It was the type of writing which he enjoyed, because it permitted him to give free rein to his imagination

6. The committee promised to give a free rein to private enterprises.

7. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.

8. give free rein to是什么意思

8. Four Chengdu logistics zones have different industrial basis and transportation conditions and should give free rein to each regional advantage and functional position and should realize double win by dislocation development.

9. Give free rein to your imagination.

10. give free rein to

10. And then put forward several proposals on how to give free rein to it's political superiority in solving national problem and how to go forward with times in new situations.


11. Do you think it advisable for parents to give free rein to their teenage children so as to develop their individuality?


12. With the competition in the hotel industry becoming more intense, how to give free rein to staff's enthusiasm and raise the profit is one of the important conditions in the competition.

13. The National Party, the junior partner in Australia's coalition government, draws much of its support from the countryside and is particularly reluctant to give free rein to the water market.

14. You may give free rein to your imaginations when admiring a mass of such colors: pink clouds in the horizon, a vast, open country, a long-gone history, or memory of your last intoxication.


15. Effectiveness of Individualized Nursing on Medicine Taking Compliance of Diabetic Patients To Give Free Rein to " Taking Patient as the Center of Service " in the Course of Medical Services

16. Give free rein to the local features and comparative advantages;

17. In order to give free rein to rule of the system for our country's reform, we should carry out a overall and systematic study and analysis.

18. The experience of 20 years reform and open tell us that only to participate in international economic cooperation and competition actively, to utilize the rules of international trade effectively, can we give free rein to our country's advantage and keep the stabilization and development of economy.

19. Give free rein to the leading role of the government and supply the circulative economical development with good policy environment and system guarantee;

20. Giving full play to people's initiative means ideological education should not only give free rein to the initiative of the educators but also that of the educatees.

  • 临近词
There they found a set of provisions that, depending on your point of view, either open the airways of asphyxiated financial markets or give free rein to rapacious companies and banks.(他们发现依据个人的观点,这一系列的法案既可以解释为为即将窒息的金融市场打开了呼吸通道,又可以解释为将控制权下放给了贪婪的企业和银行。)
In the blue, I can release all, and in the blue, I can give free rein to my thoughts.(在蓝色方面,我能释放所有的,和在蓝色方面,我能自由地给对我的想法的缰绳。)
The art equivalent of a long dress is a colossalcanvas: both give a free rein to colour and print.(长裙的艺术价值在于色彩和图案两者都可以自由得到发挥。)
Give free rein to your imagination.(你可以完全自由地运用你的想像力。)
It would be foolhardy to predict that China will suddenly give the market free rein.(中国会突然给市场以自由发挥的空间可能是鲁莽的预测。)
Cognitive psychological structure, formed during long-term of study and practice of athletes, is the base with which athletes give free rein to the ability of cognitive psychology.(认知心理结构是运动员在长期的学习和实践中形成的认知心理构造,是运动员发挥认知心理能力的基础。)
Remember that Aquarius man in love is not overly different than he is as your friend. Do not try to tame him, give him free rein and just follow him.(记住,恋爱中的水瓶座和你的朋友并没有太大的不同。不要试图驯服他,给他自由,只是跟随他。)
With the competition in the hotel industry becoming more intense, how to give free rein to staff's enthusiasm and raise the profit is one of the important conditions in the competition.(随着饭店业市场竞争的加剧,发挥员工积极性,提高经济效益是在竞争中取胜的重要条件之一。)
Iran's rise is unstoppable, he says; better to deal with the pragmatists, and strengthen them, rather than give free rein to the radicals. He may or may not be right.(他认为伊朗的崛起之势不可阻挡;与其让激进派为所欲为,倒不如跟务实派打交道,并加强他们的地位。)
"We told our engineers to give their imaginations free rein," Krein explains.(“我们告诉我们的工程师们摆脱想象力的束缚,”Krein解释说。)
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