副词: gently 比较级: gentler 最高级: gentlest 名词: gentleness 过去式: gentled 过去分词: gentled 现在分词: gentling 第三人称单数: gentles
副词: gently 比较级: gentler 最高级: gentlest 名词: gentleness 过去式: gentled 过去分词: gentled 现在分词: gentling 第三人称单数: gentles
1. stroke soothingly
2. cause to be more favorably inclined
gain the good will of
e.g. She managed to mollify the angry customer
Synonym: pacifylenifyconciliateassuageappeasemollifyplacategruntle
3. give a title to someone
make someone a member of the nobility
Synonym: ennobleentitle
1. marked by moderate steepness
e.g. an easy climb
a gentle slope
Synonym: easy
2. having little impact
e.g. an easy pat on the shoulder
gentle rain
a gentle breeze
a soft (or light) tapping at the window
Synonym: easysoft
3. having or showing a kindly or tender nature
e.g. the gentle touch of her hand
her gentle manner was comforting
a gentle sensitive nature
gentle blue eyes
4. quiet and soothing
e.g. a gentle voice
a gentle nocturne
5. soft and mild
not harsh or stern or severe
e.g. a gentle reprimand
a vein of gentle irony
poked gentle fun at him
Synonym: soft
6. belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy
e.g. an aristocratic family
aristocratic Bostonians
aristocratic government
a blue family
blue blood
the blue-blooded aristocracy
of gentle blood
patrician landholders of the American South
aristocratic bearing
aristocratic features
patrician tastes
Synonym: aristocraticaristocraticalblueblue-bloodedpatrician
7. easily handled or managed
e.g. a gentle old horse, docile and obedient
Synonym: docile
1. 文静的;温和的;和蔼的
Someone who is gentle is kind, mild, and calm.
e.g. My son was a quiet and gentle man who liked sports and enjoyed life...
e.g. Michael's voice was gentle and consoling.
2. (动作)轻柔的,徐缓的
Gentle actions or movements are performed in a calm and controlled manner, with little force.
e.g. ...a gentle game of tennis...
e.g. His movements were gentle and deliberate.
3. (天气)温和的; (尤指风)和煦的,微弱的
If you describe the weather, especially the wind, as gentle, you mean it is pleasant and calm and not harsh or violent.
e.g. The blustery winds of spring had dropped to a gentle breeze.
4. (斜坡或弯道)平缓的,不陡的
A gentle slope or curve is not steep or severe.
e.g. ...gentle, rolling meadows...
e.g. There were two passes over 13,000 feet but the slopes were gentle.
5. 微热的
A gentle heat is a fairly low heat.
e.g. Cook for 30 minutes over a gentle heat.
1. 有礼貌的:对企业忠诚有团队(Teams)归属感,有合作精神的Health),是进入500强的不可缺少的条件,企业要求员工是有礼貌的(Gentle)、有教养的(Genteel)、明白事理的(Sensible),希望员工光明正大的(Sporting)、实事求是的(Realistic)接人待物,
2. 温和的:轻松的而描述音乐向后退的则有丰润的(LUSH)轻松的(EASYGOING)温和的(GENTLE). 这些名词
3. 和的:而描述音乐向后退的则有丰润的(LUSH)轻松的(EASYGOING)温和的(GENTLE). 这些名词同时也用来形容音色. 低频(BASS)是重放音乐中被一般人和部分发烧友误会最深的地方. 一般人都深信低频越多越好,
4. 温顺:对于狮子的勇猛(brave),绵羊的温顺(gentle),狐狸的狡猾(sly),乌龟的迟缓(slow),猪的贪婪(greedy),英语和汉语的文化附加义基本相同. 但在老鼠,骡子和猫头鹰的习性上,英语和汉语的文化附加义则大相径庭. 在汉语中有贼眉鼠目,
I am as gentle as your self, as free born.
出自:J. FletcherBe he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition.
出自:Henry V,Shakespeare