The next verse says that you should not rush through your sentences, which corresponds to being earnest and genial.(接下来的两句,讲话不要匆促急忙,也正是呼应前面所说的,讲话的态度要庄重和缓;)
But at last a soft, genial morning appeared, such as might tempt the daughter's wishes and the mother's confidence.(不过,一个轻风吹拂,阳光和煦的早晨终于来临,它诱起了女儿的愿望,免除了母亲的担忧。)
My beloved wife sends me a genial and warm hug as if I may disappear in the air leaving her arms.(我深爱的妻子久久的拥抱着我,仿佛生怕一松开手我就会消失在空气中一样。)
He knows how to spot genial smiles on the audience.(他知道怎样向观众们投送亲切的微笑。)
Genial face the wind blowing, we talked about life in an episode enjoying themselves.(迎面吹来和煦的风,大家畅谈生活中趣事,不亦乐乎。)
Would the world treat similar claims by the far left with such genial, let 's-wait - and-see forbearance?(这个世界会如此和蔼而又拭目以待的忍耐对待类似的要求吗?)
Yangchun in March, which was supposed to the warmth of spring genial spring and spring is a good season.(阳春三月,本该是春暖花开,春风和煦,春意盎然的好时节。)
Bob was always genial and welcoming.(鲍勃总是和善友好。)
Heart of lotus opens, body side of genial breezes walks.(心头荷花开,身畔暖风走。)
Your gentle and genial breaths each blossom blow.(你和煦的呼吸吹开一朵朵花苞。)
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