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更新时间:2025-03-03 11:56:31



英 [ˌdʒi:niˈælədʒi]

美 [ˌdʒiniˈɑlədʒi, -ˈæl-, ˌdʒɛni-]


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形容词: genealogical 副词: genealogically 名词: genealogist 名词复数: genealogies

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 家系
  • 系谱学
  • 血统
  • 家谱
  • 宗谱
  • 家谱学
  • 系谱
  • 系统
  • 世系
  • 血缘
  • 系图学
  • 系统学
  • 家系学
  • 宗谱学
  • 家谱图
  • 系谱图
  • 宗谱图
  • 印片谱系


1. the study or investigation of ancestry and family history

2. successive generations of kin

Synonym: family tree

1. 家谱学;系谱学;宗谱学
Genealogy is the study of the history of families, especially through studying historical documents to discover the relationships between particular people and their families.


...genealogical research on his family.

2. 家谱;宗谱
A genealogy is the history of a family over several generations, for example describing who each person married and who their children were.

e.g. He had sat and repeated his family's genealogy to her, twenty minutes of nonstop names.

  • 经典引文

  • The early mention of genealogies in the Welsh laws is proof of the importance attached to noble birth.

    出自:C. H. Pearson
In order to understand the history of the village, I decided to consult Chen Huosheng family genealogy.(为了了解村落的历史,我决定到陈火盛家查阅族谱。)
Why does nietzsche call this work a genealogy ?(为什么尼采称呼这为「系谱学」?)
Right. A genealogy should be a thick book.(哎,这家谱不是应该厚厚的一本吗。)
The genealogy of space discourse is an alternative reading of the urban space.(空间话语的谱系写作是对城市空间的另类解读。)
This is a Xibe family genealogy.(这个是锡伯族家中的家谱。)
And his brethren by their families, when the genealogy of their generations was reckoned, were the chief, Jeiel, and zechariah.(他的弟兄照着宗族,按着家谱作族长的是耶利,撒迦利雅,比拉。)
Recently the sugar beet varieties bred in china are limited in hereditary basis and genetic variation genealogy .(摘要目前我国甜菜育成品种存在变异系谱和遗传基础狭窄的局限性。)
The Times of cleansing ahead shall clear out all physical form that has not the associated genealogy.(前方的净化时代,将会净化掉所有没有相关血脉的物质层形态。)
The family genealogy tells how Moses DE camp of westfield married Anna rackham the daughter of a wool merchant.(家谱说明韦斯特菲尔德的摩西·德·坎普如何娶了羊毛商的女儿安娜·拉克罕姆。)
This is when I mentioned to Kudrow that I've met one family member who is into genealogy: my cousin Carol.(直到这时,我才告诉丽莎,我只见过一名家族成员对家谱感兴趣:我的表姐卡萝尔。)
genealogy是什么意思 genealogy在线翻译 genealogy什么意思 genealogy的意思 genealogy的翻译 genealogy的解释 genealogy的发音 genealogy的同义词