形容词: galleried 名词复数: galleries
形容词: galleried 名词复数: galleries
1. a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine
e.g. they dug a drift parallel with the vein
Synonym: driftheading
2. narrow recessed balcony area along an upper floor on the interior of a building
usually marked by a colonnade
3. a covered corridor (especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported with arches or columns)
4. a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose
e.g. shooting gallery
5. a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited
Synonym: art gallerypicture gallery
6. a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)
Synonym: verandaverandah
7. spectators at a golf or tennis match
1. (艺术作品的)陈列室,展览馆;画廊
A gallery is a place that has permanent exhibitions of works of art in it.
e.g. art gallery.
e.g. ...the National Gallery.
2. 私人画店;私人画廊(或画室)
A gallery is a privately owned building or room where people can look at and buy works of art.
e.g. The painting is in the gallery upstairs.
3. (大厅的)楼座,边座,楼上旁听席
A gallery is an area high above the ground at the back or at the sides of a large room or hall.
e.g. A crowd already filled the gallery.
4. (剧场或音乐厅中通常票价最低的)顶层楼座
The gallery in a theatre or concert hall is an area high above the ground that usually contains the cheapest seats.
e.g. They had been forced to find cheap tickets in the gallery.
1. 顶层楼座:解读:剧院顶层楼座(gallery)的票价是最便宜的,座中人一般收入比较低、文化水平和欣赏能力也比较差,演员往往就以低俗的表演来博他们喝采. 这句话意译则是迎合大众口味或讨好俗流,翻译过来就是哗众取宠的意思了.
2. 美术馆:设有27个房间的美术馆(gallery)于1925年开放,在意大利北部占有重要地位,其中的收藏品覆盖面很广:从古罗马的遗址到文艺复兴时期的绘画作品. 所陈列的艺术作品精彩部分包括皮萨内洛的<>卡洛-克里韦利的<>;
3. gallery
3. (多媒体资料):这是我们可以看到有多媒体资料(Gallery),百宝箱(Applications),游戏(Games)这三个文件夹;我们选择多媒体资料,然后打开图像就会看到手机里面的待机图画了,如果没有要选择的图片,窗口左下方有图片的显示,这样更方便.
There is in the gallery of the Tuilleries, on the right as you enter the gardens, an Ionic column.
出自:H. HunterWell-wishers..drove him home, and deposited the swing on his own front gallery.
出自:W. A. Percy