1. an iron hook with a handle
used for landing large fish
2. a spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail
3. a sharp metal spike or spur that is fastened to the leg of a gamecock
1. (固定在桅杆上以支撑帆的)斜桁
On a boat, a gaff is a pole which is attached to a mast in order to support a particular kind of sail.
2. (钓大鱼的)手钩,挽钩
A gaff is a pole with a point or hook at one end, which is used for catching large fish.
3. see also: gaffe
1. 鱼叉:部队,容器(Vessel)加4名侍祭(Acolyth)24分,最多可再增加2名侍祭,每名4分,胜利点数2,此部队允许上限1容器(Vessel) 生命值(10)侍祭(Acolyth) 生命值鱼叉(Gaff) 特殊能力(延展) 威力(3) 加总(7)吐出(Disgorge):如果容器(Vessel)受到敌方攻击的伤害足以被消灭,
2. 斜桁:为便於操控,brig的主桅兼作后桅(或称后樯),主桅各层都有方帆之外,其下层加装向船后伸出的下桁(boom) ,和较高处向后上方伸出的斜桁(gaff) ,两者间 可挂方形的后樯纵帆(spanker) .
3. gaff的近义词
3. 纵帆斜桁:gaff 纵帆斜桁 | gaff foresail 前桅主帆 | gangway 舷梯
4. 装油软管吊架;攀钩;斜桁:gae 裂隙 | gaff 装油软管吊架;攀钩;斜桁 | gaffer 不熟练工
I sat in my gaff, unable for a while to look at the purchases.
出自:I. Welsh[He was] more friendly once he realized they weren't going to wreck the gaff.
出自:J. KingI don't want you coming in here with that phoney crap..I don't need all this gaff.
出自:R. Scruton别人正在查