英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:35:22



英 ['fjʊərɔ:(r)]

美 [ˈfjʊrˌɔr, -ɚ]


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1. a sudden outburst (as of protest)

Synonym: furore

2. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal

e.g. he always follows the latest fads
it was all the rage that season

Synonym: fadcrazefurorecultrage

1. 狂怒:大体而言,直到18世纪末,只有当付诸民法典或教会法时也会引出精神错乱问题的案件才会提出刑事精神错乱的问题,也就是说,它或者表现为痴呆(dementia)或弱智,或者表现为狂怒(furor).


2. 狂暴:furniture 家具 | furor 狂暴 | furor epilepticus 癫痫性狂暴

3. 激怒:furniture 家具 | furor 激怒 | furred 长软毛的

4. furor的近义词

4. 轰动 盛怒:Fret 烦躁 焦虑 | Furor 轰动 盛怒 | Fusty 陈腐的 霉臭的

  • 经典引文

  • What rage is this? What furor?

    出自:T. Wyatt
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

So, what explains the furor?(那么,如何解释这份狂热呢?)
Munn says the furor helped her bond with her new colleagues.(穆恩说,这种狂热让她和同事们的关系更紧密。)
To make this point one need only recall the pictures from Hiroshima or the international furor over the accidental but enormous radiation release from the Chernobyl power plant.(想明白这一点只需要回想一下广岛的景象以及切尔诺贝利核电站大规模放射性泄露事故所激起的国际公愤。)
Furor: This talent now works correctly with Cat Form again.(狂热:这个天赋将在猫形态下生效。)
Suleman's 14 children could fall on the shoulders of California's taxpayers, compounding the public furor in a state already billions of dollars in the red.(娜蒂亚舒蕾曼抚养14个孩子的经济负担很大部分要落在加利福尼亚的纳税人头上了,这让本已有数十亿赤字的加利福尼亚州引起公愤。)
His choice of words created quite a furor.(他的措辞引起了相当大的轰动。)
This caused a furor.(此举引发轰动。)
Do you know where he went?” But we do not want to create what you would think of as a public furor.(你知道他去哪儿了吗?)
Undoubtedly, this has created a furor among dog lovers all over.(毫无疑问,这已经创造了一个震怒当中爱狗人士都结束了。)
John Lennon's remark that "we're more popular than Jesus, " which set off an anti-Beatle furor last year, was not a boast but an expression of disgust.(JohnLennon的“我们比耶酥更受欢迎”去年曾激起很大的反披头士热潮,这并非自吹自擂,而是一种令人反感的表达。)
furor是什么意思 furor在线翻译 furor什么意思 furor的意思 furor的翻译 furor的解释 furor的发音 furor的同义词