fruit stand

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fruit stand

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:30:53

英 [fru:t stænd]

美 [frut stænd]

fruit stand基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 水果摊:虽然Papaya很甜很鲜美,但还是建议像我们这种情况的人可以在游览途中的水果摊(fruit stand)随时买水果,虽然稍贵点但选择很多,随买随吃,跟摊主聊聊天也是种乐趣.

2. 小水果摊:fruit piece 果实的静物画 | fruit stand 小水果摊 | fruit sugar 果糖

3. fruit stand的解释

3. 高脚果盆:fruit slicer 水果切片机 | fruit stand 高脚果盆 | fruit stemming machine 去梗机

4. fruit stand在线翻译

4. 水果摊 --腐乳特是丹的:buy 买---百 | fruit stand 水果摊 --腐乳特是丹的- | pet shop 宠物商店 ---颇特学仆

  • 临近词
Hoping to stand out in a crowded market, microbreweries decide to explore unusual products like the bacuri fruit from the Amazon and the jabuticaba, a type of Brazilian grape.(希望在拥挤的市场中脱颖而出的小规模啤酒厂决定探索新的产品,例如来自亚马逊的bacuri果和巴西葡萄jabuticaba。)
We cannot stand by and simply wait for a plant to bear fruit.(我们不能袖手旁观等待树木结果。)
One who sells fruit, vegetables, fish, or other goods from a cart, barrow, or stand in the streets.(在街头从马车、手推车或小摊里买水果、蔬菜、鱼或其他商品的人。)
Like bruised fruit on a produce stand, I existed, but was bypassed for healthier-looking specimens.(我就像农产品摊上被碰伤的水果般,虽然存在著,却因其他看来较健康的样品而被忽视。)
Our lives are to be deeply rooted in Christ so that we may stand firm and bear much fruit.(我们的生命要在基督里牢牢地生根建造,以致我们能站立得稳,多结果子。)
The gods don't take too kindly to that and so poor old Tantalus was made to stand in a lake with water up to his chin. Overhead were branches of a tree hanging with fruit.(神对于此非常的不仁慈,所以可怜的老坦塔罗斯被迫站在水面到他下巴的湖中,他的头上有垂挂着结满果实的树枝。)
Came to a fruit stand, while grandma and selling fruit machine of bargaining, I look east, west to see see.(来到一个水果摊前,趁奶奶和卖水果的人讨价还价之机,我就东看看,西瞧瞧。)
After my meal, I stand outside in the warm rain enjoying a cold fruit Popsicle and watching people stream through the streets.(吃完东西后,我站在外头温暖的雨中享用一枝冰凉的水果冰棒,看着街上川流不息的人潮。)
And to stand out in the segment of fruit leathers and energy bars.(在细分市场的水果皮革和能量棒和被选举权。)
In addition, on the Qixi night, people still could hear their murmur in the heaven under the stand of grapes or other fruit.(此外,七夕夜深人静之时,人们还能在葡萄架或其他的瓜果架下听到牛郎织女在天上的脉脉情话。)
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