The streets were filled with people running to and fro about their tasks.(街上满是为了工作跑来跑去的人。)
I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides as if I was excited to fury by the observations of the men—but the noise steadily increased.(我迈着沉重的脚步地来回走着,仿佛我对这些人的调查感到很愤怒——但这种声音越来越响。)
After some to-ing and fro-ing, Elsie and the children moved back to Louisiana.(几番往复后,艾尔西和孩子们搬回了路易斯安那。)
As it shrieked and moaned, the poor little sufferer was blown to and fro like the hammer of a bell.(它在尖叫呻吟,这个可怜的小小受难者就像钟锤一样被吹来吹去。)
"I am making the bed now," the little girl called out again, while she ran busily to and fro.(“我正在收拾床铺呢。”小女孩一边忙着跑来跑去,一边又叫道。)
When the shuttlecock was hit to and fro with a racket across a net, thegame was badminton.(双方用球拍拍打毽子使它来来往往的越过网前,这种游戏就是羽毛球。)
The ray quivered to and fro, making her figure dim or distinct- now like a real child, now like a child's spirit- as the splendor went and came again.(那束光来回抖动,使得她的身影忽明忽暗——一会儿像个活生生的孩子,一会儿又像是孩子的精灵——随着光忽明忽暗。)
She stood up and began to pace to and fro.(她站起来开始来回地踱步。)
He walked impatiently to and fro and finally turned his nose toward the Field of Wonders.(他急躁地来回走着,最后把鼻子转向了神奇的土地。)
This to-and-fro approach is called a "rocking chair" design.(这种往回式方法称为“摇椅(rockingchair)”式设计。)
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