1. a lack of affection or enthusiasm
e.g. a distressing coldness of tone and manner
Synonym: coldnesscoolnessfrigidnessicinesschilliness
2. the absence of heat
e.g. the coldness made our breath visible
come in out of the cold
cold is a vasoconstrictor
Synonym: coldnesscoldlow temperaturefrigidness
3. sexual unresponsiveness (especially of women) and inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse
Synonym: frigidness
1. frigidity在线翻译
1. 性冷感:性兴奋障碍 性冷感(Frigidity)是指性欲不足或性欲减退,无论男女都有可能出现. 真正的性功能障碍分为四种:性欲望障碍、性兴奋障碍、高潮障碍、性交疼痛障碍. 以女性而论,特征是非常想要做爱,但经过
2. 性感缺乏:也有很多文献将性乐缺乏(或称性快感缺失,笔者认为此种看法有待商榷,详见本书<>一节)归入性唤起障碍,又称性感缺乏(frigidity)或性乐缺失(lack of sexual pleasure),其主要特点是对性刺激完全无反应,或伴缺乏性快感和性满足,
3. 性感缺失:friction sound 摩擦音 | frigidity 性感缺失 | frigotherapy 冷冻疗法
4. 寒冷:frigidarium 冷水浴室 | frigidity 寒冷 | frigidly 冷淡地