This thesis is composed of foreword and six parts.(在引言中,介绍了本文的写作背景及写作目的。)
The first part is a foreword, it mainly elaborated Foucault and Habennas to the modernity manner.(第一部分为前言,它主要论述了福柯与哈贝马斯对现代性的态度。)
Indeed, Barnard wrote the foreword to Simon's (1947) Administrative Behavior.(其实,正是Barnard为Simon(1947)的《管理行为》撰写了序言。)
This paper is divided into four chapters except the foreword and conclusion.(本文除前言和结论外,共分四章。)
Mr Mandela has neither read the book nor written a foreword for it.(曼德拉先生从未读过这本书,也没有为这本书作序。)
Foreword is a thesis topic and a brief description of topics of significance to do.(前言是对论文的选题及选题意义做简要说明。)
“SOME literary works are mortal; Jane Austen’s are immortal,” writes Harold Bloom in his foreword to this delightful volume.(哈罗德•布鲁姆在这本佳作的序言中写道:“有些文学作品转瞬即逝,简奥斯丁的作品长盛不衰”。)
And I urge you not to neglect the foreword by John Ray Jr., so I hope you read it, the little italicized foreword.(我希望你们不要忽略掉John,Ray,Jr,写的序言,我希望你们读一下那些斜体的序言。)
She has written the foreword to a book of recipes.(她为一本食谱写了前言。)
That dictionary has a preface, not a foreword.(那部词典有一篇序文,不是前言。)
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