for example

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for example

英 [fɔ: iɡˈzɑ:mpl]

美 [fɔr ɪɡˈzæmpəl]

for example基本解释

例如, 譬如; 拿 ... 来说


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释

for example是什么意思


1. as an example

e.g. take ribbon snakes, for example

Synonym: for instancee.g.

1. for example在线翻译

1. 举例:19 C 前后照应逻辑推理 此句是对上句的举例(for example)说明. in addition加上,又, 另外,表示添加意义;in any case无论如何, 总之;after all终究,毕竟,表示让步意义. 20 D 前后照应,词义比较 由后句They prefer stories about people,

2. 如:比如 (for example) 5、11、21、51、101等都被认为是吉利 (lucky)的数字,特别 (especially) 是在赠送礼金时,整数之外要多出一卢比 (rupee),这样才会被收礼者认为是吉祥的.

3. 例如:It's just around the corner. 就在大街拐角处. | For example: 例如: | Where's the school,please? 请问学校在哪儿?

4. for example什么意思

4. 举例来说:192 for all 尽管; | 193 for example 举例来说 | 194 for instance 和 such as 都表示举例,前者常接句子,后者常接名词或名词短语;

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.(混乱和怨恨是存在的,而几乎从没人公开表露出来过。就以这个办公室为例。)
Let's take Mount Etna for example.(让我们以埃特纳火山为例。)
The advertising industry, for example, often makes use of it.(例如,广告业就经常利用它。)
Take, for example, the simple sentence: "The man climbed up the hill."(以这个简单句为例:“那个人爬上了山坡。”)
For example, they may cause illness for us.(例如,他们可能会给我们带来疾病。)
Snake embryos, for example, sprout hind limb buds.(例如,蛇的胚胎会生长出后肢。)
For example, maybe you have been filming something.(例如,也许你一直在拍摄一些东西。)
For example, Xi'an is a city with long history.(例如,西安是一座历史如此悠久的城市。)
Let's take exercise for example.(我们就以锻炼为例。)
Have they, for example, demonstrated a commitment to democracy?(例如,他们展现了对民主的奉献吗?)
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  • 高考真题例句
高考真题例句 OG 1.for example

For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion.

例如, 俄罗斯人、法国人和西班牙人可以用沉默来表示双方对所讨论的话题达成一致。


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