fit the bill

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fit the bill

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:27:58

fit the bill基本解释

满足要求; 适合需要


  • 单语例句
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1. Tourists have always been on the trail of divine destinations that leave them with heavenly memories - and Beijing's temples readily fit the bill.

2. Mao suits fit the bill because they have a long and colorful history.

3. Tyldesley fit the bill, and Eady arranged for an introductory meeting with Yu.

4. The prestigious Peking University announced last week that from next year, it would allow some senior high school headmasters to refer candidates who fit the bill.

5. A panic like that would fit the bill for a Friedman " pluck ".

6. He had been told he fit the bill for " window dressing " perfectly.

7. And it doesn't have to be specially programmed as existing acts from their repertories may fit the bill perfectly.

8. Treasury Under Secretary, said bluntly the plan did not fit the bill.

fit the bill什么意思

1. The highly successful combos such as the swingle singers, the quartet that came to hong kong last year - cantabile, the legendary king s singers, and the group that we ll soon see in hong kong the idea of north perfectly fit the bill

2. If you make sure your window fit tightly into the frame when closed, you can significant cut the utility bill.

3. fit the bill的翻译

3. This cap is a classic baseball-cap-style with a two-tone blue bill and an adjustable strap in the back so you can get the perfect fit.


4. You are the very one to fit the bill.

5. In that case, this newgame that surfaced last week could fit the bill of a new IP. Or it is anew WoW Expansion.

6. But red Toryism may be too morally censorious, and too hostile to big business, to fit the bill.

7. I'm looking for someone with several years of related experience and you seem to fit the bill.

8. fit the bill的反义词

8. Linda: Once you find someone to fit the bill, just go ahead and hire them.

9. fit the bill是什么意思

9. Whether you are looking for a romantic escape or a vacation full of adventure, Hawaii is sure to fit the bill.

10. The current World and European Player of the Year certainly seems to fit the bill.

11. fit the bill在线翻译

11. Coal seemed to fit the bill, and it fueled the earliest power stations.

12. fit the bill的解释

12. Freesia, Nerines, Anthurium, and Muscari also fit the bill and can take the trend beyond its winter season of 1 December to 14 February.

13. fit the bill的意思

13. Now, I`m not the biggest fan of mind-mapping, but it might just fit the bill.


14. But when it comes to corruption, it might just fit the bill.

15. If you are looking for a free Guitar Hero clone, Frets On Fire may fit the bill.

16. It illustrates the elements of BOQ investigation during bids, introduces strategies and techniques for construction corporation biding under the condition of quantities bill evaluation, and discusses the way of strengthening contract management after award of contract to fit for the development and needs of market economy.

17. Bill K's muscles have gotten so big that he can no longer fit into zeppelins. Outwardly, the generalissimo appeared to have become the most powerful ruler in the last two centuries of Chinese history.

18. fit the bill

18. If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.


19. According to the present practice of carrying out bill quantity pattern in our country, this paper analyses the effect on the building enterprises which are taken as one of the three main parts in building market: 1. Construction enterprise needs fit the new calculation price basis;

20. She says abolitionists Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman or politicians Bella Abzug and Shirley Chisholm already, in a manner of speaking, fit the bill.

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Diamonds might fit the bill.(钻石可能是合适之选。)
If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.(如果你符合这些要求,送一份履历给丽贝卡·里斯。)
Fake plants will not fit the bill, so don't even bother with them.(假的植物不符合要求,所以别为那个费神。)
For many young people, an unlimited downloading service bundled with an ISP subscription would fit the bill.(和上网服务捆绑销售的无限下载服务符合很多年轻人的需求。)
One of the most famous is 1970s release Carrie which may fit the bill perfectly.(最著名的一部是上世纪七十年代发行由嘉丽主演的电影。)
On paper, several of the applicants fit the bill.(从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。)
He is the right person for the job. He will fit the bill.(他是这项工作的最佳人选,他一定会称职的。)
It has a true tablet OS, handsome looks, and features that seem to fit the bill of a killer tablet.(Xoom拥有一个真正的平板电脑操作系统,外观帅气,同时具有成为一款杀手级平板所应有的特性。)
So hopefully one of the existing mock-up tools would fit the bill.(所以希望将现有的模型工具之一。)
Natalie: I could have made it work. He um... he really fit the bill. You know?(纳塔利:我本可以让这成为事实的。他只是……他真的很合乎我的要求。你知道吧?)
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