My brother cleans his fingernails with one of his throwing daggers.(我弟弟用他其中一把飞刀清洁他的手指甲。)
She still did not like the woman who had dirty fingernails.(她仍然不喜欢那个手指甲很脏的女人。)
Its effect, some scientists say, is the same as chewing your fingernails.(据有些科学家声称,犀牛角的效果就如同嚼自己的指甲。)
Open the package carefully. Don't use your teeth or fingernails.(轻启包装,请勿使用牙齿或指甲开启。)
Toenails are less important than fingernails.(脚指甲并没有手指甲那么重要。)
You chew on your roommate's fingernails.(你咀嚼你室友的指甲。)
Paint is spattered on eyeglasses. Mud lurks under fingernails.(眼镜被颜料涂上颜色,泥土潜藏在指甲缝间。)
Likewise, completely avoid the act of inspecting your fingernails.(绝不要在对某人说话的时候查看时间,相似的,完全避免减产你的手指。)
Under the spray, the meat juices wash from my fingernails, from my pores.(喷头把肉汁从我的指甲下和毛孔中冲走。)
Fingernails grow faster than.(手指甲比脚指甲长得快。)
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