1. the act of filling something
2. (dentistry) a dental appliance consisting of any of various substances (as metal or plastic) inserted into a prepared cavity in a tooth
e.g. when he yawned I could see the gold fillings in his teeth
an informal British term for `filling' is `stopping'
3. the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
Synonym: woofweftpick
4. a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.
5. flow into something (as a container)
6. any material that fills a space or container
e.g. there was not enough fill for the trench
Synonym: fill
1. (补牙用的)填料
A filling is a small amount of metal or plastic that a dentist puts in a hole in a tooth to prevent further decay.
e.g. The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.
2. (糕点的)馅
The filling in something such as a cake, pie, or sandwich is a substance or mixture that is put inside it.
e.g. Spread some of the filling over each pancake.
3. (软体家具或垫子的)芯,填充物
The filling in a piece of soft furniture or in a cushion is the soft substance inside it.
e.g. ...second-hand sofas with old-style foam fillings.
4. (食物)令人感到饱足的
Food that is filling makes you feel full when you have eaten it.
e.g. Although it is tasty, crab is very filling.
1. 填充:Jasper文件用于和所需的数据一同生成最后的报表,这一过程被称为填充(filling)报表. JRXML文件只需被编译一次,编译生成的Jasper文件可以根据需要被多次填充,从而创建和显示报表.
2. 充填:目前, Moldex3D 暂时只开放充填 (Filling) 与冷却 (Cooling) 分析模块. Moldex3D 采用最新的 3D 立体显示技术,快速清楚地将模型内外部的温度场、应力场、流动场和速度场等十余种结果展示在您的眼前. 对于上述分析结果的展现也可利用等位线或等位面方式显示,
3. 補 牙:如果早早的爱护(TAKE CARE),就减少大面积的补牙(FILLING)和根管治疗(ROOT CANAL)的可能性,这样也不需要烤瓷牙(CROWN)来固定弱牙(WEAKENED TEETH). 实际上也就避免了大的花销. 如果你牙疼才去看,那就已经是晚了.
Such a filling up of the time as will keep you away from the evil communications.
出自:T. Chalmers