英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 13:26:09



英 [ˈfɪgmənt]

美 [ˈfɪɡmənt]


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  • 虚构的事物,臆造的事物,凭空想像的事物
  • 虚构
  • 幻影


1. a contrived or fantastic idea

e.g. a figment of the imagination

1. 臆造的事物;虚构的事物
If you say that something is a figment of someone's imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it.


e.g. The attack wasn't just a figment of my imagination.

1. 臆造物:fighting 好战的 | figment 臆造物 | figmentary 虚构的

2. figment

2. 虚构的事:fightwithone'sbacktotheriver-fighttowinordie 背水一战 | figment 虚构的事 | figuline 陶制的

3. 幻兽:621 嗜血妖兽 Carnage Beast カルネージビースト 652000 13500 11100 2000 2000 ... | 630 幻兽 Figment フィクメント 650 330 300 55 280 20 320 70 70 70 31 192 炎之岚 炎之枪 | 631 幻兽 Figment フィクメント 3500 2000 2000 500 700 ...

4. 虚构的东西:3: All the girls are swooning over the new maths teacher.所有的女同学都迷上了那位新来的数学教师. (晕倒) | 4: figment:虚构的东西 | 5: pull the wool over somebody's eyes:蒙蔽某人

  • 经典引文

  • Neither a silly figment of her imagination nor a flesh-and-blood man.

    出自:P. Pearce
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Can we return to this time of classical beauty and grace or is this ideal a figment of the modern imagination?(我们是否可以回到古典的美与雅中去?抑或这仅仅只是一个臆造的想像?)
Yesterday is history and tomorrow is merely a figment of your imagination.(昨天已经成为历史,而明天仅仅只存在于你的想象虚构。)
Was the story of Noah's Ark real or was it just the figment of imagination?Josh Bernstein investigates this centuries old tale.(是故事,挪亚方舟的真实还是因为凭空想象吗?乔希·伯恩斯坦年调查这个故事。)
"That's ridiculous!" he shot back. "It was just good luck. God's a figment of your imagination."(“这也太可笑了!”他回击着我,“你说的那些就是好运气罢了,神只是你想象出来的虚幻的事物而已。”)
Are your past, present and future a figment of someone else's imagination?(你的过去、现在和未来会成为别人的想象吗?)
I am a figment of your imagination. You did not know, how could I?(我是你幻想出来的你都不知道,我怎么会知道?)
To anyone else philemon might be perceived as a figment of jung's imagination or evidence of madness.(对于其他人,腓利门也许是容格想像的一个虚构人物,或者是疯狂的迹象。)
The attack wasn't just a figment of my imagination.(这种攻击不仅仅是我的臆想。)
Yes. you are a figment of the past!(对,你是过去的幻影!)
But then, one day, they discovered to their horror that their supposed wealth was a figment of someone else's imagination.(但是,有一天,他们惊恐地发现他们期待的富有只是别人凭空捏造的想象。)
figment是什么意思 figment在线翻译 figment什么意思 figment的意思 figment的翻译 figment的解释 figment的发音 figment的同义词