Often charged with the welfare of a dozen lionesses and 20 or more cubs, a male lion will summon all his celebrated ferocity to protect his pride.(一只雄狮往往拥有十几头雌狮和20或更多只幼狮的财富,它会投入自己拥有的所有暴力行为来保护自己的族群。)
He is a shining example of moral leprosy, a mixture of ferocity and jocularity that betrays supreme misery.(他是道德沦丧的光辉典范,残暴和滑稽的混合,背叛了极度的痛苦。)
From beneath their broad-brimmed hats of palm-leaf, gleamed eyes which, even in good-nature and merriment, had a kind of animal ferocity.(宽檐棕榈叶帽子下面闪着的那双眼睛,即使在心情好、兴致高的时候,也露出一股野兽般的凶光。)
NO city, writes Robert Hughes, "has ever been more steeped in ferocity from its beginnings than Rome".(罗伯特·休斯写道,没有一个城市“比罗马更浸淫在始终如一的凶猛之中”。)
The patriarch of the house, Mr. Jawad, rules it with a ferocity renowned throughout the neighbourhood.(那户人家的家长贾瓦德先生治家严苛,名闻乡里。)
Kim turns on Melanie with such sudden ferocity that Melanie is taken aback.(金姆突然对梅勒妮惹火了,她的凶猛甚至使梅勒妮吃了一惊。)
The glaciers are melting, storms have increased in ferocity, there are landslides and floods, followed by droughts and deforestation.(冰川在融化,风暴在凶猛增加,山体滑坡和洪水,随之而来的是干旱和森林砍伐。)
The armed forces seem to have been taken by surprise by the ferocity of the attack.(武装部队好像被猛烈的进攻给镇住了。)
The brokerage's sudden fall was a stark reminder of the fragility and ferocity of a financial system built to a remarkable degree on trust.(这家经纪公司的突然崩塌完美的印证一个事实:脆弱而又无情的金融系统建立在充分信任的基础上。)
His intensity and the ferocity of his feelings alarmed me.(他的过分认真和激烈的感受令我恐慌。)
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