英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 11:26:23



英 [ˈfendə(r)]

美 [ˈfɛndɚ]


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  • 挡泥板
  • 挡开物
  • 防护板
  • 炭栏
  • 炉围
  • 碰垫
  • 护舷材
  • 壁炉的栅栏
  • 护舷垫(悬挂在船舷的轮胎、绳团等起防碰损作用)
  • 防御者
  • 防护板
  • 防御物
  • 火炉围栏
  • 缓冲装置
  • 救护装置
  • 垫座
  • 壁炉挡板
  • 防卫物
  • 防冲物


1. a cushion-like device that reduces shock due to an impact

Synonym: buffer

2. a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud

e.g. in Britain they call a fender a wing

Synonym: wing

3. a low metal guard to confine falling coals to a hearth

4. an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track

Synonym: buffercowcatcherpilot

1. 壁炉围栏
A fender is a low metal wall built around a fireplace, which stops any coals that fall out of the fire from rolling onto the carpet.

e.g. ...a brass fender.

2. 同 fireguard
A fender is the same as a fireguard .

3. (汽车的)翼子板,挡泥板
The fenders of a car are the parts of the body over the wheels.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 wing

4. (汽车的)保险杠,缓冲装置
The fender of a car is a bar at the front or back that protects the car if it bumps into something.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 bumper

5. (船只的)护舷
The fenders of a boat are objects which hang against the outside and protect it from damage when it comes next to a harbour wall or another boat.

1. fender

1. 挡泥板:下车一检查,我车子的右前挡泥板(fender)被对方车子的左前bumper撞凹,右前车门也没法打开了. 对方的车子只是在bumper上有一些刮伤. 这是我拿到驾照半年来第一次碰到车祸. 当时简直不敢相信这种麻烦事自己也碰上了. 对方车子上跳下来一个亚裔,

2. 叶子板:我公司是外资(韩国)企业,主营韩国产汽车配件的贸易公司.主要车型包括HYUNDAI;KIA;GMDAEWOO;CHEVROLET等.主要经营产品有车灯(LAMP车门(DOOR引擎盖(HOOD)叶子板(FENDER保险杠(BUMPER后备箱(TRUNK)等覆盖件.还有元宝梁(CROSSMEMBER

3. 翼板:嵌条 insertion strip | 翼板 fender | 斜撑 bracing piece

4. 档泥板:底盘chassis | 档泥板fender | 方向盘steering wheel

  • 经典引文

  • Those little fenders which prevent a ship from bumping too roughly against the quay.

    出自:V. Sackville
He is making the dash toward the goal, and the fender is running up to intercept him.(他带球往球门冲,对方的防守队员跑向前拦截。)
A passing car banged up our fender.(他的汽车撞瘪了我的汽车挡泥板。)
Every frame is fashioned with fender mounts so you can ride all year long.(每个车架都可安装档泥板,天气不再是阻止你出行的原因。)
Advance package models include further noise reduction using a thicker carpet base layer and front fender liners.(先进的包装模式包括进一步降低噪音使用更厚的地毯基层和前挡泥板衬垫。)
A couple of screwdrivers rolled off my fender mat onto the floor.(两支螺丝刀从我的挡泥板垫上滚到了地板上。)
Examples of stressors that may cause an acute-stress response are a job interview, a fender bender or an exhilarating ski run.(可能引起急性压力的压力源例子有:面试、轻微交通碰撞、或者一次振奋人心的雪坡滑雪。)
The left front wheel and fender of the Google car were damaged.(谷歌无人车的左前轮和挡泥板受损。)
I got a ding in my rear fender.(我汽车后面的挡泥板撞瘪了一处。)
Finally I lit a cigarette and flopped over the fender mat.(最后,我点了一支香烟,瘫坐在挡泥板垫上。)
Traffic was really slow on the freeway this morning because of a fender-bender in one of the westbound lanes.(今天早上高速公路上的车行驶得很慢,因为西边的车道上出了一起车祸。)
fender是什么意思 fender在线翻译 fender什么意思 fender的意思 fender的翻译 fender的解释 fender的发音 fender的同义词