英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 11:24:43



英 ['fi:si:z]

美 [ˈfisiz]


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  • 排泄物
  • 残渣,渣滓
  • 粪(便)
  • 沉淀物
  • 蒸馏后的渣滓
  • 糟粕


1. solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

Synonym: fecal matterfaecal matterfaecesBMstoolorduredejection

1. -> see faeces

1. feces的解释

1. 粪便:尿液(urine)检查的目的2、 婴幼儿留尿应防止粪便(feces)混入. 3、女性应留取中段尿,防止阴道分泌物(vaginal discharge)混入. 月经期禁止留尿. 4、男性应避免精液(sperm)、前列腺液(prostatic ecretion)混入尿中.

2. feces的意思

2. 便:粪便(feces)是食物在体内经消化的最终产物. 粪便检测对了解消化道及通向肠道的肝、胆、胰腺等器官有无病变,间接地判断胃肠、胰腺、肝胆系统的功能状况有重要价值.

3. (排泄物):urination (排尿) | defecation (排便) | feces (排泄物)


4. 粪:fecaloid 似渣滓的 | feces 粪 | fecit ......画

Pulling the feces apart to see what they contained revealed that wolves seem to prefer roe deer, but also ate wild boar, hare, and badger.(分解粪便显示,狼似乎更喜欢狍,而且还吃野猪、野兔和獾。)
Feces, even a miniscule amount, "is by far the biggest health hazard in swimming pools," agreed Tierno.(粪便,即使很少的量,“是目前为止游泳池里最大的安全隐患”,Tierno也同意上述观点。)
The patient's sense of enormous relief when fluid, flatus, and feces are expelled into the bucket is in inverse proportion to the doctor's discomfort.(当液体、胀气、粪便排入水桶时,病患极大的解脱感与医生的不适感呈反比。)
"And we were following the whales and collecting feces whenever there was poop at the surface," he says.(“无论鲸鱼何时在海面排便,我们都跟着它,并收集其粪便,”他说。)
Well, if you're Japanese researcher, Mitsuyuki Ikeda, you do this: create an edible steak made from human feces.(好吧如果你是日本研究员MitsuyukiIkeda你会这样做:由人类的粪便创造一个食用牛排。)
Researchers also picked up feces from the forest floor.(研究人员从森林地被物上采集粪便样品。)
Rodents ingest little bits of Toxo from cat feces and Toxo goes straight to their heads.(啮齿动物只要吸入少量的猫科动物的排泄物,弓形虫就会直接进入它们的头部。)
When the boats entered the narrow laneways between the houses, the water reeked of feces, he said.(快艇开进房屋间的狭窄过道时,水中明显带有很多排泄物,散发出阵阵臭气。)
Feces fall into a drum beneath the toilet.(粪便落入厕所下方的桶内。)
Gene tests of feces identified individual chimpanzees.(通过基因测试粪便的方法可以辨别每一只黑猩猩。)
feces是什么意思 feces在线翻译 feces什么意思 feces的意思 feces的翻译 feces的解释 feces的发音 feces的同义词