But that's reactionary football. It doesn't multiply the players' qualities exponentially.(但这就是被动性的足球,无法将球员的能力成倍地结合起来。)
Hence, knowledge grows exponentially over time, starting with knowledge K0.(因此,知识随时间按指数增长,由知识k开始0。)
This is a puzzle that increases exponentially in complexity with the number of cities considered.(随着所考虑的城市数量的增加,这个难题的难度将呈指数式增加。)
Now, there's so much overlap that the cost has grown exponentially.(现在有太多重叠业务,因此成本成倍地增加。)
Large enterprises have a level of complexity that can be exponentially larger than smaller organizations.(大型企业的复杂性程度比小型组织要大得多。)
Gensler added that the role of computer technology is exponentially greater on Wall Street than it was then.(盖斯勒补充说,对于华尔街而言,计算机技术所起的作用甚于以往任何时期。)
I could get a really big upper bound, this thing grows exponentially.(那么我可以得出一个相当大的上界,我们可以给一个指数级增长的上限。)
But actually, each time you increase the amount of code, your software grows exponentially more complicated.(实际上,每当你增加代码量,软件的复杂程度就成指数化的上升。)
A fairly new site, WOWIO is growing exponentially and adding new titles every day.(作为一个新网站,WOWIO极具潜力,并且每天都有新书增加。)
The quantity of chemical pollutants has increased exponentially.(化学污染物的数量已经急剧上升。)
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