Reasoning involves finding and expressing these connections or relationships so that each individual event, object, or idea is explicable in terms of other events, objects, or ideas.(推理过程包含了寻找和表达这些联系或关系的过程,因此每个事件、事物或者观念都可以通过其他事件、事物或者观念予以阐释。)
Similarities and differences became comprehensible and explicable.(生物之间的差异和雷同得到解释,变得可以理解。)
The older I grow, the stranger and less explicable the world appears to me.(我年纪越大,这个世界对我就显得越陌生,越不能理解。)
The differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.(那些孩子成绩方面的差异不能完全从社会背景来解释。)
Present population distribution is explicable only in terms of the past.(现今的人口分布是只能根据过去的情况去被解释。)
Scientists have maintained that the crop failure is not explicable.(科学家认为作物歉收原因不明。)
To do this fairly we grant the stipulation that everything in the universe is explicable, or will ultimately be physically explicable.(为了公正起见,我们同意这样的假定:宇宙中的一切都是可以解释的,或者最终都将得到物理学上的解释。)
This assumes that most behavioural differences between individuals are explicable by culture and socialisation, with biology playing at best the softest of second fiddles.(这个模型认为大部分的个体之间的行为差异可以用文化和社会生活来解释,而生物学因素作用很弱,充其量处于次要地位。)
It is about uniting to overcome the divide between fact and faith -what is explicable and what is not.(其实这就是用联合的方式来弥合事实与信仰之间的分歧——哪些是可以解释的,哪些又是解释不了的。)
The announcement on Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent is more explicable.(关于英国的三叉戟核威慑潜艇则更容易解释。)
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