1. something that agitates and arouses
e.g. he looked forward to the excitements of the day
Synonym: excitement
2. the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland
Synonym: innervationirritation
3. the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up
e.g. his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled
he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation
Synonym: excitementinflammationfervorfervour
1. 激发:/span> 激发(Excitation)?/span>等反应,而产生离子、原子、原子团(Radicals),及更多的电子,以维持电浆内各粒子间的浓度平衡. (详见表三)图(二)显示一个DC电浆的阴极电板遭受离子轰击的情形. 脱离电将的带正电荷离子,在暗区的电场加速下,
2. 激励:这些测试是在不同的阶段及为不同时间的时期,使用正弦波固定频率,正弦波扫瞄及随机振动激励(Excitation)执行的. 以图4为例,描述了正弦波扫瞄测试的模型. 正弦波固定频率及随机振动测试也发展了类似的模型. Grumman所执行的研究结果已经被广泛的流通.
3. 兴奋:图集简介:MM最令男人兴奋的动作 兴奋(excitation) 生物体(器官、组织或细胞)受足够强的刺激后所产生的生理功能加强的反应;如神经冲动的发放、肌肉的收缩、腺体的分泌甚至动物的狂叫等.
4. 刺激:声道模拟藉由产生模仿这二种刺激(excitation)的数位讯号来运作. 共鸣室(resonate chamber)的特性是经由具相似共振的数位滤波器来传送刺激讯号来模拟. 此方法被用於非常早期的DSP成功故事的其中一个,Speak & Spell是卖得很好的、给儿童的电子辅助学习器.
He told the story without modulation, without a hint of narrative excitation.
出自:J. McPheeThe excitations associated with spin waves are also quantised.
出自:H. M. Rosenberg